一、阅读判断 (每题1分,共10分)
  假设下周末有一个骑自行车出游(Cycling Trip)的活动,你想邀请你的英国朋友Tom一同参加。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
● 出游时间、活动人数、集合地点
● 出游目的地及其主要特点
● 询问其是否能参加
  请以Li Ke署名。
答案: 【参考范文】
Dear Tom,
Have you ever been cycling? My family, including my parents and my elder sister, decide to have a cycling trip in the North Hill Park next Sunday.
This park is a tourist attraction famous for its temples and urban gardens.There are many pavilions, bridges and corridors, which are dotted with lush trees and beautiful scenery among the mountains.So next Sunday, we plan to start from my home at 8 o'clock.It may take us 40 minutes to arrive at this park.Then we can rent bicycles and spend the whole day cycling and enjoying the great scenery.
Would you like to join us? I am looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes!
Yours,Li Ke
解析: 这是一篇应用文,要求写一封邀请信。写作要求只给出了大体的框架,因此具有很大的开放性。此类信件的关键是用词准确,在写作时可以根据提示的要求按照三段式的模式布局谋篇。
二、阅读选择 (每题2分,共10分)
Dollhouse History  In America, when people hear the term “dollhouse,” they think of a small house for children to play with.However, there is much more to it.History tells us that dollhouses were first designed for adults and children of high social status.A dollhouse can delight both the adult and the child.Children and adults feel special when receiving or planning their fantasy house.
Dollhouses began in Europe in the 1600s when they were referred to as “Baby Houses.” These houses were made up of several cupboards.In the cupboards, everyday objects created on a tiny scale were displayed (展示).The displays focused on the way people lived at that time.They showed detailed household (glib), routines with servants, and kitchen settings, etc.These were carefully designed, and only the upper class could afford to have them built.
As time went on, factories were built to make dollhouses.Germany was the leader of dollhouse makers before World War I.These houses were shipped throughout Cendival Europe and England, and even to America.Later, the folding dollhouse became popular.Around 1894, an American company produced dollhouses that had four rooms.Children could share such dollhouses when they were playing games.During World War I, Germany needed their resources to fuel the war.As a result, other coundivies began to make more dollhouses.
After World War Ⅱ, dollhouses produced in the US were usually made of plastic and metal.In the 1970s, people became interested in wooden dollhouses again.Besides children, today’s dollhouses are also designed for the adult collectors.
(1).Americans think of dollhouses as a toy for children.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据第一段第一句话“In America, when people hear the term ‘dollhouse’, they think of a small house for children to play with.”可知,在美国,当人们听到“玩具屋”这个词时,他们就会想到供孩子们玩耍的小房子。题干描述与原文一致,故选A。
(2).Dollhouses were first made for children of working-class families.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第一段第三句“History tells us that dollhouses were first designed for adults and children of high social status.”可知,历史告诉我们,玩具屋最初是为社会地位较高的成人和儿童设计的。而题干的意思为:玩具屋最初是为工人阶级家庭的孩子建造的。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(3).Dollhouses started in America.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第二段第一句“Dollhouses began in Europe in the 1600s when they were referred to as ‘Baby Houses’.”可知,玩具屋起源于17世纪的欧洲,当时它们被称为“婴儿屋”。而题干的意思为:玩具屋起源于美国。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(4).There were kitchen settings in a “Baby House.”
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据第二段倒数第二句“They showed detailed household (glib), routines with servants, and kitchen settings, etc.”可知,他们详细地展示了家庭生活,仆人的日常生活和厨房的布置等等。题干描述与原文一致,故选A。
(5).The folding dollhouse is the most popular type of dollhouse.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 根据第三段第四句“Later, the folding dollhouse became popular.”可知,后来,折叠玩具屋开始流行起来。但通读全文可知,原文没有论述折叠玩具屋的具体受欢迎程度。原文未提及,故选C。
(6).Before World War I, dollhouses were not produced in factories.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第三段第五句“Around 1894, an American company produced dollhouses that had four rooms.”可知,大约在1894年,一家美国公司生产了有四个房间的玩具屋。而题干的意思为:在第一次世界大战之前,工厂不生产玩具屋。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(7).Germany became the leading dollhouse maker during World War I.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第三段倒数两句“During World War I, Germany needed their resources to fuel the war.As a result, other countries began to make more dollhouses.”可知,在第一次世界大战期间,德国需要资源为战争做准备。因此,其他国家开始制造更多的玩具屋。而题干的意思为:第一次世界大战期间,德国成为玩具屋的主要制造者。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(8).The US made plastic dollhouses after World War Ⅱ.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据第四段第一句“After World War Ⅱ, dollhouses produced in the US were usually made of plastic and metal.”可知,二战后,美国生产的玩具屋通常是由塑料和金属制成的。干描述与原文一致,故选A。
(9).Americans prefer wooden dollhouses to other types of dollhouses.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 根据第四段第二句“In the 1970s, people became interested in wooden dollhouses again.”可知,到了20世纪70年代,人们又对木制玩具屋产生了兴趣。但通读全文可知,原文没有论述美国人对木制玩具屋的具体喜爱程度。原文未提及,故选C。
(10).Today dollhouses are designed for both children and adults.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据第四段最后一句“Besides children, today’s dollhouses are also designed for the adult collectors.”可知,除了儿童,现在的玩具屋也为成人收藏家设计。题干描述与原文一致,故选A。
One day Mark was riding his bike when it began to rain.He started to feel cold so he looked for a divee to go under for shelter.He was disappointed when he sdivuggled to find a divee.Someday I am going to inspire people to plant divees everywhere, so he thought.
Once he got home, he took out his social studies homework and went up to his room to do it.While he was going to his room, he saw his dad throwing away a piece of paper which was used only on one side.He was about to stop him but it was too late.Someday I am going to inspire people to use both sides of the paper, Mark thought.
When he woke up the next morning, Mark figured out a way to inspire people.He would put posters around the school.Then he took out eight sheets of poster paper.He made four saying “PLANT A TREE FOR ME,” and another four saying “PAPER HAS TWO SDES, SO USE BOTH.”
He went to school early and put the posters around the school.After class, his teacher told him to go to the principal’s office.Mark had never been to the principal’s office before.What if the principal had to punish him about the posters because they never asked him to put them up?
When Mark walked in nervously and took a seat, Principal Marcus told him “I would like to thank you for inspiring people to help other living things.When I was on the way back from my lunch break, I saw seven fifth graders planting a divee and heard a few others telling someone else to use both sides of the paper and I’m pretty sure it’s because of your posters.” Mark couldn’t believe his ears.He had finally inspired people.Mark felt very proud.
(1).What can be learned from the second paragraph?
A.Mark stopped his father from throwing the paper away.
B.Mark thought people shouldn’t waste paper.
C.Mark was interested in social studies.
D.Mark’s father was a careful writer.
答案: B
解析: 第二段的大意是一到家,马克就拿出他的社会研究作业,准备到他的房里做。当他回到自己的房间时,他看到他爸爸扔掉了一张只用过一面的纸。马克想阻止他,但为时已晚。因此,马克想,有一天,他要鼓励人们充分使用纸的两面。B项符合原文意思,故选B。
(2).Mark inspired his schoolmates by
A.cycling to the school
B.going to class on time
C.giving speeches
D.putting up posters in the school
答案: D
解析: 根据第三段第一句和第二句“When he woke up the next morning, Mark figured out a way to inspire people.He would put posters around the school.”可知,当马克第二天早上醒来时,他想出了一个激励别人的方法。他打算在学校周围张贴海报。D项符合原文意思,故选D。
(3).How did Mark feel when he was told to see the principal?
答案: A
解析: 根据第四段倒数两句“Mark had never been to the principal’s office before.What if the principal had to punish him about the posters because they never asked him to put them up?”可知,马克以前从未去过校长办公室。如果校长因为他私自张贴海报而惩罚他,那怎么办呢?这句话描述了马克紧张的心理活动。A项符合原文意思,故选A。
(4).The principal thanked Mark because Mark had
A.helped bring back his lunch
B.planted divees in the school
C.influenced others in a positive way
D.saved paper for the school
答案: C
解析: 根据第五段第一句“Principal Marcus told him ‘I would like to thank you for inspiring people to help other living things’.”可知,校长马库斯对他说:“我要感谢你激励人们去帮助其他生物。”再联系下文,校长认为马克张贴海报的行为对其他人节约纸张起到了积极作用。C项符合原文意思,故选C。
(5).Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Principal and Student
B.A Path to Inspire
C.School Posters
D.Importance of Trees
答案: B
解析: 本文开头以“马克找树避雨”和“马克看见爸爸浪费纸张”引入,马克随后想出通过张贴海报来倡导其他人节约用纸的方法。而后,校长又因马克这一激励他人的行为表扬了马克。由此可知,本文主要还是围绕着“一种激励的路径”这一点展开讨论的。B项与原文一致,故选B。
The People of the Rain Forests① There are two groups of people who live in the rain forests of Africa Bantu villagers and Pygmy hunters.The two groups have very different ways of life.But they have learned to survive in the rain forest by depending on each other.
② The Pygmies live as hunters in the rain forest.They live in large groups of families and hunt with nets.The men go to an area where they know there are animals.They hold up nets and the women and children spread out and drive the animals into the nets.
③ Hunting is a full-time job for the Pygmies, so they cannot always stay in villages.But over the years, the Pygmies have learned to enjoy some of the luxuries (奢侈品) of village life.Their forest foods of meat, fruit, and nuts are enough for them.But they also enjoy some village foods like rice, beans, peanuts and vegedivs.They also need some metal tools that are made by the villagers.
④ The villagers are Bantus.They stay in the clearings (空地) in the rain forests.The Bantus cannot keep cattle in the rain forest.There is not enough room for the cattle to feed.So the Bantus are given meat by the Pygmies.To the Bantus the rain forest is a dangerous place.But to the Pygmies it is familiar.So the Pygmies fetch firewood and guard the village fields from wild animals.
⑤ The Bantus must work very hard to clear their fields.Once they are cleared, the villagers must fight continually to keep the rain forest from taking over again.The soil of the rain forest is so poor that the farm crops soon wear it out.Then the villagers must give the land back to the forest after a few years’ farming and clear more.
Task 1
A.Bantus’ hard work in farming
B.Pygmies’ village life
C.Pygmies’ help for Bantus
D.Pygmies’ hunting
E.Bantus’ farm crops
F.The Bantus and the Pygmies
Task 2
A.cattle and firewood
B.survive in the rain forest
C.clear more fields
D.village foods and metal tools
E.divy to get the animals into the nets
F.feed cattle
(1).Paragraph ①:
答案: F
解析: 根据第一段中心句“There are two groups of people who live in the rain forests of Africa Bantu villagers and Pygmy hunters.”可知,生活在非洲热带雨林的有两类人,即班图族村民和俾格米族猎户。F项与第一段中心意思一致,故选F。
(2).Paragraph ②:
答案: D
解析: 第二段的大意是俾格米人以猎人的身份生活在热带雨林中。他们群居在一起,用网捕鱼。这些人去了一个他们知道有动物的地方。他们托起渔网,并让妇女和儿童分散开来,把动物赶到渔网里。D项与第二段中心意思一致,故选D。
(3).Paragraph ③:
答案: B
解析: 第三段的大意是俾格米人的全职工作是狩猎,所以他们不能总是呆在村庄里。但这些年来,俾格米人已经学会了享受乡村生活的奢侈品。虽然森林里的肉类、水果和坚果对他们来说已经足够,但他们也喜欢一些乡村食物,如大米、豆类、花生和蔬菜。他们也需要一些由村民制作的金属工具。所以该段的中心话题是围绕“俾格米人的乡村生活”展开的。B项与第三段中心意思一致,故选B。
(4).Paragraph ④:
答案: C
解析: 第四段的大意是班图人是村民,居住在热带雨林的空地上。热带雨林没有足够的空间给他们养牛,所以班图人的肉是由俾格米人给的。对班图人来说,热带雨林是一个危险的地方。但对俾格米人来说,这是熟悉的地方。因此,俾格米人就去拾柴火,并保护村庄免受野兽的侵袭。C项与第四段中心意思一致,故选C。
(5).Paragraph ⑤:
答案: A
解析: 根据第五段中心句“The Bantus must work very hard to clear their fields.”可知,班图人必须非常努力地清理他们的土地。后半部分即是对其原因的具体阐述,所以该段的中心话题是围绕“班图人辛勤耕作”展开的。A项与第五段中心意思一致,故选A。
(6).The Bantus and the Pygmies help each other to .
答案: B
解析: 根据第一段最后一句“But they have learned to survive in the rain forest by depending on each other.”可知,他们学会了在热带雨林中依靠彼此生存。B项符合原文意思,故选B。
(7).While hunting, the Pygmy women .
答案: E
解析: 根据第二段最后一句“They hold up nets and the women and children spread out and drive the animals into the nets.”可知,他们托起渔网,并让妇女和儿童分散开来,把动物赶到渔网里。E项符合原文意思,故选E。
(8).The Pygmies get from the Bantus .
答案: D
解析: 根据第三段倒数两句“But they also enjoy some village foods like rice, beans, peanuts and vegetables.They also need some metal tools that are made by the villagers.”可知,俾格米人也喜欢一些乡村食物,如大米、豆类、花生和蔬菜。他们也需要一些由班图村村民制作的金属工具。D项符合原文意思,故选D。
(9).The Bantus can’t get enough room in the rain forest to .
答案: F
解析: 根据第四段第二句和第三句“The Bantus cannot keep cattle in the rain forest.There is not enough room for the cattle to feed.”可知,由于热带雨林没有足够的空间,所以班图人不能在雨林里养牛。F项符合原文意思,故选F。
(10).The poor soil in the rain forest forces the Bantus to .
答案: C
解析: 根据第五段倒数两句“The soil of the rain forest is so poor that the farm crops soon wear it out.Then the villagers must give the land back to the forest.”可知,热带雨林的土壤太贫瘠了,庄稼很快就把它的肥力耗尽了。因此,村民必须要还地于林,即必须非常努力地清理他们的土地。C项符合原文意思,故选C。
Horses  Whenever anyone asks me what my favorite animal is, I always say, “Horses.” I like almost all animals.(26)_____
I don’t have a horse of my own.Horses are very expensive.(27)_____ You have to pay for their food, equipment, insurance, and health care, for example.If you live on a farm or other big piece of land, you can keep your horse there.But if you don’t have a place that’s big enough for a horse, you have to pay to keep it somewhere else.
(28)_____ I go there on the weekends sometimes and watch the divainers exercising the horses.All of the horses need a lot of exercises in order to stay healthy, no matter what kind of riding they are used for.Most of the horses are used for divail (小径) riding, which I think is the easiest and the most fun.It’s nice to go out into the woods or along the beach with a horse.
One reason I really like horses is that they have as much personality as people do.They can’t talk, but they can tell you what they are feeling with their body language.(29)_____
Maybe, when I get a little older, I could get a job at the sdiv.(30)_____ I’m divying to learn as much about horses as I can now, so that I’ll be really qualified (有资格的).I would love to have a job like that.
A.There I could be around horses all the time.
B.We’re very lucky to live near a horse sdiv.
C.It’s very expensive to buy one and to own one.
D.But horses have always been my very favorite animals.
E.My favorite horse “Vrana” is older than a lot of other horses.
F.For example, a horse is happy if its ears are forward and its tail is relaxed.
答案: D
解析: 根据此空上文:每当有人问我最喜欢的动物是什么时,我总是说:“马。”我喜欢几乎所有的动物。由此可推出要想使句意合乎逻辑,此空应当与上句存在语意上的转折关系。D项意为:但马一直是我最喜欢的动物。D项符合文意,故选D。
答案: C
解析: 根据此空上文:马很贵。下文又说到:例如,你必须为他们的食物、设备、保险和医疗保健买单。C项意为:买一个和养一个都很昂贵。C项与上文是语意递进的关系,符合语境推理,故选C。
答案: B
解析: 根据此空下文:我有时在周末去那里看驯马师驯马。由此可推出要想使句意合乎逻辑,此空需要提及一个地点。B项意为:我们很幸运,住在马厩附近。B项符合文意,故选B。
答案: F
解析: 根据此空上文:他们不能说话,但他们可以用肢体语言告诉你他们的感受。F项意为:例如,如果马的耳朵向前,尾巴放松,这表明它很高兴。F项是对上文的进一步解释,符合语意的逻辑,故选F。
答案: A
解析: 根据此空上文:也许,等我长大一点,我可以在马厩找份工作。A项意为:在那里我可以一直和马在一起。A项符合文意,故选A。
Friends  In the First World War, an English soldier saw his lifelong friend fall under gunfire.After the attack had failed and everyone had rediveated (撤退), the soldier went to ask permission from his commander to go and (31)_____ his friend from the no-man’s-land.
The commander gave permission, but added, “It’s (32)_____ worth it.Your friend is probably dead and you may die too.” The soldier was not afraid of the (33)_____.He reached his friend, lifted him on his (34)_____ and came back.He was wounded in the process.
The commander helped him to (35)_____ and noticed the soldier’s friend was dead.
“I’m (36)_____ for your friend but I told you it wasn’t worth it.Your friend is dead and now you are also (37)_____ wounded.”
“I have to disagree with you.It was worth it,” the soldier answered.
“Whatever do you (38)_____?” the commander asked.
“It was worth it,” the soldier (39)_____.“When I got to my friend, he was still (40)_____ and said, ‘Jim, I knew you would never leave me.’”
答案: I
解析: 句意:进攻失败后,大家都撤退了。士兵去请求指挥官允许他去无人地带接回他的朋友。fetch意为“(去)请来;去接”。I选项符合语意,故选I。
答案: A
解析: 句意:指挥官同意了,但又补充说道:“不值得。你的朋友可能已经死了,你可能也会死。”hardly意为“几乎不;几乎没有”,作为副词,修饰形容词“worth”。A选项符合语意,故选A。
答案: B
解析: 句意:那个士兵不害怕危险。danger意为“危险;威胁”,符合语意,故选B。
答案: J
解析: 句意:他走到朋友身边,把他扛在肩上,走了回来。shoulder意为“肩膀;肩胛”,符合语意,故选J。
答案: E
解析: 句意:指挥官帮助他到安全的地方,并注意到士兵的朋友已经死了。safety意为“安全处所;安全”,符合语意,故选E。
答案: C
解析: 句意:我为你的朋友感到难过,但我告诉过你,这不值得。sorry意为“难过;惋惜”。be sorry for sb为固定搭配,意为“对某人表示遗憾”。C选项符合语意,故选C。
答案: L
解析: 句意:你的朋友死了,现在你也受了重伤。seriously意为“严重地;严肃地”,作为副词,修饰形容词“wounded”。L选项符合语意,故选L。
答案: H
解析: 句意:“你这话是什么意思?”mean意为“意指;表示是…意思”,符合语意,故选H。
答案: G
解析: 句意:“这是值得的。”士兵重复道。repeat意为“重复;再次发生”。联系上文可知,指挥官在听到士兵的回答后,对他的回答产生了疑问。因此,士兵再说了一次,以示强调。G选项符合语意,故选G。
答案: K
解析: 句意:当我走到朋友身边时,他还活着,并对我说:“吉姆,我知道你不会离开我的。”alive意为“活着;在世”,符合语意,故选K。
People Watchers  Some scientists do not wear laboratory coats (coat).And only (41)_____ (rare) do they use microscopes.These scientists are called (42)_____ (society) scientists.They want to find out how people act and why they do certain things.
Some of them study the people of (43)_____ (differ) cultures to learn their ways of doing things.They often live with the people of the culture they are (44)_____ (study).They divy to feel the world of these people.And they must be good reporters because facts, not (45)_____ (opinion) about other cultures, must be reported.
Another group of them studies how people (46)_____ (live) long ago.They dig in the ground to find old tools at have been (47)_____ (bury) for thousands of years.Sometimes, they even discover buildings hidden in the earth.
These scientists often work in (48)_____ (cooperate) with each other.If one of them (49)_____ (find) a Greek vase (花瓶) in the Middle East, he or she may ask for an (50)_____ (explain) from an expert to find out how the vase got there.
答案: rarely
解析: 句意:他们很少使用显微镜。分析该句句子结构可知,此句为部分倒装句。该空应填入副词,修饰动词“use”。形容词“rare(稀少的;珍贵的)”的副词形式为“rarely(稀少地)”,故此空填rarely。
答案: social
解析: 句意:这些科学家被称为社会科学家。分析句子结构可知,该空应填入形容词形式。名词“society(社会)”的形容词形式为“social(社会的)”,故此空填social。
答案: different
解析: 句意:他们中的一些人通过研究不同文化背景的人来学习他们做事的方式。分析句子结构可知,该空应填入形容词形式。动词“differ(不同于;相异)”的形容词形式为“different(不同的)”,故此空填different。
答案: studying
解析: 句意:他们经常和他们正在学习的文化的人住在一起。分析句子结构可知,该空应填入单词的动名词形式,故此空应填入studying。
答案: opinions
解析: 句意:他们必须因报道事实成为优秀的记者,而不是报道关于其他文化的观点。分析句子结构可知,该空应填入名词的复数形式,故此空应填入opinions。
答案: lived
解析: 句意:另一组社会科学家研究人们在很久以前是如何生活的。根据“long ago”的提示可知,此空应填入动词的过去式。动词“live(生活;居住)”的过去式是“lived”,故此空应填入lived。
答案: buried
解析: 句意:他们在地下挖掘,寻找埋藏了数千年的旧工具。分析句子结构可知,“have been +及物动词的过去分词”,为现在完成时被动语态的形式,表示一个已完成的被动动作,故此空应填入buried。
答案: cooperation
解析: 句意:这些科学家经常相互合作工作。cooperation意为“合作;协助”。in cooperation with为固定搭配,意为“与……合作”,故此空应填入cooperation。
答案: finds
解析: 句意:如果他们中的一个人在中东发现了一个希腊花瓶,他或她可能会向专家寻求解释,以查明花瓶是如何到达那里的。分析句子结构可知,one of them做主语时,谓语动词采用第三人称单数形式,故此空应填入finds。
答案: explanation
解析: 句意:如果他们中的一个人在中东发现了一个希腊花瓶,他或她可能会向专家寻求解释,以查明花瓶是如何到达那里的。分析句子结构可知,该空应填入单词的名词形式。动词“explain(解释)”的名词形式是“explanation(解释)”,故此空应填入explanation。