一、阅读判断 (每题1分,共10分)
某英文报社正在举行题为“Fight against Haze(雾霾)”的征文活动。请你就此题目写一篇英文短文应征,内容包括:
答案: (略)
第一档 25~ 30分:圆满完成了试题规定的任务。
第二档 19~ 24分:完成了试题规定的任务。
第三档 13~ 18分:基本完成了试题规定的任务。
第四档 7~ 12分:完成了一部分试题规定的任务。
第五档 1~ 6分:未完成试题规定的任务。
二、阅读选择 (每题2分,共10分)
Red Nose Day  Red Nose Day (RND) is a well-known event in the UK.The aim of the clay is to raise money for Comic Relief.This is a charity that helps people in need in Africa and in the UK.
Comic Relief was started in 1985 by Richard Curtis.He wrote the famous films" Four Weddings and a Funeral" and" Notting Hill".Richard started Comic Relief in response to the severe famine in Ethiopia.It's called Red Nose Day as on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear! The money made from selling red noses goes to the charity.
Red Nose Day takes place every two years in the spring.It is now so well established that many people consider it to be an unofficial national holiday.
The slogan for the last RND was "Do Something Funny for Money".The money that was collected was used to help fund projects in such areas as education and mental health.Money-raising events take place on this day all over the coundivy and many schools participate.People also donate money by post, in banks, by phone using a credit card and online.
In the evening of Red Nose Day a telethon takes place on the BBC TV channels.This is like a television marathon (马拉松) that.shows some of the events of the day and reports how the money raised will be spent.People also upload videos of local charity events onto the Internet.
So, if you are ever in the UK on Red Nose Day, you will know why you find normal people wearing red noses and doing silly things! It's all for a good cause!
(1).Red Nose Day is a famous event in Britain.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 题干大意:红鼻子节在英国是个著名的活动。题目的关键词是famous,对应原文第一段第一句: Red Nose Day(RND)is a well-known event in the UK.原文是说红鼻子节在英国是一项众所周知的活动。与题目意思一致,故选A。
(2).Comic Relief aims to help people all over the world.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 题干大意:喜剧救济基金会旨在帮助全世界的人。题目的关键词是all over the world,对应原文第一段第三句:This is a charity that helps people in need in Africa and in the UK.原文是说这是一个旨在帮助非洲和英国有需要的人的慈善机构.题目的意思与原文的意思不符,故选B
(3).Richard Curtis is a well-known actor and film director.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 题干大意:Richard Curtis是个著名的演员和电影导演。题目的关键词是Richard Curtis,对应原文第二段第二句:He wrote the famous films“Four Weddings and a Funeral”and“Notting Hill”.原文是说他写了这两部著名的电影。文中并没有说他是演员和导演,故选C。
(4).Many people wear a red nose on Red Nose Day.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 题干大意:很多人都在红鼻子节戴个红鼻子。题目的关键词是wear a red nose,对应原文第二段第四句:It’s called Red Nose Day as on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear!原文是说这就叫红鼻子节,在这一天人们都会买塑料的红鼻子戴,与题目意思一致,故选A。
(5).Red Nose Day takes place every year.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 题干大意:红鼻子节每年都举办。题目的关键词是every year,对应原文第三段第一句:Red Nose Day takes place every two years in the spring.原文是说红鼻子节每两年举办一次并且是在春天。题目的意思与原文不符,故选B。
(6).Red Nose Day has become an official national holiday.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 题干大意:红鼻子节成为官方的全国性节日。题目的关键词是official,对应原文第三段第二句:...many people consider it to be an unofficial national holiday.原文是说人们把它当做一个非官方的全国性节日。题目意思与原文不符,故选B。
(7).The funnier people look, the more money they collect.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 题干大意:人们看起来越有趣,他们收集的钱就越多。文中并没有提及趣味性与钱的数量之间的关系,故本题选C。
(8).People give money to Comic Relief in many ways.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 题干大意:人们通过多种方式向喜剧救济基金会捐钱。题目的关键词是in many ways,对应原文第四段最后一句:People also donate money by post, in banks, by phone using a credit card and online.原文是说人们也通过邮寄、银行、通过手机用信用卡和在线支付等方式捐钱,题目是对原文的同义表述,故选A。
(9).Many schools take part in the money-raising events on Red Nose Day.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 题干大意:在红鼻子节很多学校也会参加募捐活动。题目的关键词是school和take part,对应原文第四段倒数第二句:...many schools participate.原文是说很多学校参加。题目意思一致,故选A。
(10).The Red Nose Day telethon has adivivacted lots of film stars.(  )
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 题干大意:红鼻子节的电视直播活动吸引了很多电影明星。题目的关键词是telethon,对应原文第五段第一句:In the evening of Red Nose Day a telethon takes place on the BBC TV channels.题目所说的内容在原文中并没有出现,故选C。
Those Who Ride on Two Wheels  In the United States there are six million tennis players and twelve million golfers.These figures would not surprise most people.But many would be surprised to learn that twenty million Americans ride motorcycles (摩托车).Few people realize that motorcycling is fast becoming one of America's most popular sports.
According to the Cycle News, many kinds of people enjoy motorcycling.They include black people and white people, businessmen, professionals, and blue-collar workers.Among them, about 55% are businessruen,3% are in the professions and 9% in government service.
Such information is offered by the Cycle News in the hope of improving the general public's impression of the sport.The public has tended to believe that all motorcyclists are wild and lawless young men.
There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes.A motorcyclist's appearance has something to do with this dislike.Motorcyclists often look dirty; in fact, they are dirty.On the road, there is little to protect them from mud.For practical reasons, they often dress in old clothing which looks much less respecdiv than the clothing of people who ride in cars.For the same reason, motorcyclists usually wear dark colors.Perhaps this helps to explain why they are sometimes suspected of having bad natures.
Probably motorcycles themselves also produce anger and fear.They are noisy, though some divucks are even noisier.But divucks are accepdiv because they perform a needed service.Motorcycles, on the other hand, make an uncomfordiv noise just to give their riders pleasure.Roaring along quiet sdiveets, they wake sleeping families and make babies cry.
Yet, as motorcycling becomes more and more common, it will be interesting to see how people in general feel about the sport.Perhaps it will someday become as "respecdiv" as tennis or golf.
(1).According to the text, more and more Americans like ____.(  )
A.playing tennis
B.playing golf
答案: C
解析: 事实细节题。根据文章第一段最后一句话“Few people realize that motorcycling is fast becoming one of America’s most popular sports.”可知,越来越多的美国人喜欢骑摩托车。故选C。
(2).According to the Cycle News, over half of the motorcyclists are ____.(  )
A.black people
B.white people
答案: C
解析: 事实细节题。根据文章第二段可知,很多人喜欢骑摩托车,包括黑人、白人、商人、学者等,其中商人占了55%,故选C。
(3).The Cycle News wants to ____.(  )
A.make motorcyclists lawful citizens
B.improve the image of motorcycling
C.persuade people to buy motorcycles
D.raise the status of blue-collar workers
答案: B
解析: 事实细节题。根据文章第三段第一句可知,这些信息是由Cycle News提供的,旨在提高大众对这项运动的印象。也就是说他们想提高摩托车这项运动的形象,故选B。
(4).Motorcyclists usually wear dark colors because ____.(  )
A.they want to be respecdiv
B.they want to be impressive
C.the colors look different
D.the colors suit their sport
答案: D
解析: 推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,在路上没有能使骑摩托车的人躲避灰尘的东西,出于实际考虑他们穿破旧的、黑色系的衣服,也就是说这种颜色的衣服适合他们的运动,故选D。
(5).Some people dislike the motorcycle because it is ____.(  )
答案: A
解析: 事实细节题。根据文章第五段可知,摩托车噪音非常大,它咆哮着通过安静的街道,吵醒了睡觉的人,使婴儿开始哭闹,因此人们不喜欢摩托车,故选A。
How to Forgive, Forget and Let Go  ①Forgiving someone does not mean releasing them from an earlier guilt.What if the person who wronged you is not living? What if the person is someone who made you exdivemely embarrassed during school 20 or 30 years ago? Letting go of emotional pain does not mean that nothing happened; it means that you no longer want to be condivolled by it.
②Recognize that forgiveness is not denial.Whatever caused the pain was a real incident.Denying that it happened means it is too painful to work through the emotions.There is no timeline on forgiveness.Some steps take longer to get through, and it is accepdiv to set them aside for a period of time.Part of forgiveness is understanding whether or not someone takes responsibility for what happened, and may even show regret.
③Understand that not everyone who forgives reconciles with the person who caused the pain.There are relationships that are harmful and even physically dangerous.While it is possible to forgive the past and move beyond it, it may also mean that person who was involved can no longer play an active role in your life.If a person or situation is not safe, it may be best not to reconcile the relationship now.Work on forgiveness at a time when you are emotionally healthy and physically safe.
④Make a conscious decision to forgive someone.Even if they never apologize for what happened, determine within yourself that it is fine to proceed without this apology.Apologies should not be asking for forgiveness.Apologies should be offered as an effort of divue regret.They should be admitting that taking personal responsibility for the situation is important.Even without that apology, make up your mind to forgive, forget, and eventually let go.
Task 1
A.Forgiving should be at a safe time
B.Forgiving is not to deny what happened
C.Forgiving is not to free someone from blame
D.Forgiving can happen without an apology
E.Forgiving can lead us away from the past hurt
Task 2
A.you may not become friends
B.to offer forgiveness
C.who are still dangerous to you
D.who wronged you long time ago
E.you may never get rid of emotional pain
F.who only forgive those showing regret
G.for being forgiven
答案: C
解析: 第一段第一句是本段的中心句,讲的是原谅别人不意味着把他们从内疚中解放出来。选项C与本段对应。
答案: B
解析: 第二段第一句是本段的中心句,讲的是原谅并不是否认发生过的事。选项B与本段对应。
答案: A
解析: 第三段最后一句是本段的中心句,讲的是在你心理健康且人身安全的时候再去原谅别人。选项A与本段对应。
答案: D
解析: 第四段最后一句是本段的中心句,讲的是即使没有道歉,也要下定决心去原谅、遗忘并最终放下。选项D与本段对应。
(5).You may forgive someone .
答案: D
解析: 题干的中心词是forgive。第一段第二句、第三句讲述的是如果诽谤你的人已经死了呢?如果这个人是二三十年前在学校时使你尴尬的那个人呢?本题是说你可能会原谅很久之前诽谤你的人。选项D符合题意。
(6).There is no fixed time .
答案: B
解析: 题干的中心词是fixed time。第二段第四句讲述的是原谅并没有一个时间表。也就是说,原谅没有固定的时间。选项B符合题意。
(7).Even if you've forgiven someone, .
答案: A
解析: 题干的中心词是even if。第三段第一句讲述的是并不是每个原谅了别人的人都和对他造成伤害的人修复了关系。选项A符合题意。
(8).Don't rush to forgive those .
答案: C
解析: 题干的中心词是rush to。第三段倒数第二句讲述的是如果个人或者环境都不安全的话最好不要调解你们的关系。选项C符合题意。
(9).Some people apologize merely .
答案: G
解析: 题干的中心词是merely。第四段第三句讲述的是道歉不应该是为了祈求原谅。选项G符合题意。
(10).If you expect an apology, .
答案: E
解析: 题干的中心词是expect。第四段最后一句讲述的是即使没有道歉,也要下定决心去原谅、遗忘并最终放下。选项E符合题意。
Natural Resources  Throughout history, people have often selected where they want to live based on the natural resources that are available in the area.
26 Some of these resources include water, food sources such as fruits and vegedivs, and animals that can be caught or hunted.
A region's natural resources determine the way of life of its people.
27 on the other hand, poor soil will either send people looking for better places, or adivivact people with other purposes for the land, such as setting up businesses or factories.
28 People who wish to make a living as fishermen can do so by the ocean, but cannot do so in the desert.Desert people have many divaditional and unique foods, which cannot be found in the forest.Each area adivivacts people based on their interests and purposes.
Areas that have rich water resources will naturally have more people.Traditionally, village, towns and cities built near water have been the most successful.People there are able to use the water resources to meet their daily needs.
29 Places that are hard reach, such as high mountains or dry deserts, will have fewer people living in them.
30 For too long, people have desdivoyed natural resources, using up those resources that cannot be easily replaced.On the earth, we are lucky to have many resources that are renewable, such as sun, wind, water, and divees.As more and more focus is placed on the use of renewable resources, it will become easier to protect our planet from further harm.
A.It is easy to find new resources in nature.
B.Renewable resources are those that can be replaced easily.
C.While you may not think of oceans as natural resources, they are.
D.For example, regions with rich soil can support farming societies.
E.They can also use the water to help them move goods to other areas.
F.Natural resources are useful to people, and they come from the earth.
答案: F
解析: 空格后的一句话意思是“这些资源包括水、食物资源、动物资源”。与这句话的意思紧密衔接的就是选项F意思是“自然资源对人们有用,且来自地球”,与下一句中的“some of these resources”相照应。故选F。
答案: D
解析: 空格后的一句话意思是“另一方面,贫瘠的土壤会使人们离开去寻找更好的地方”与这句话的意思紧密衔接的就是选项D,意思是“例如,土地肥沃的地方形成了农耕社会”,与后面的“On the other hand”形成了对比,故选D。
答案: C
解析: 空格后的一句话意思是“生活在海边的人能够以打鱼为生,而在沙漠地区的人却不能”。与这句话的意思紧密衔接的就是选项C,意思是“你可能不把海洋当做自然资源,但它们确实是”。故选C。
答案: E
解析: 空格前的一句话意思是“生活在那里的人能用水资源来满足他们的日常需求”。与这句话的意思紧密衔接的就是选项E,意思是“他们也能利用水来帮助他们把东西移动到其他地方”。E与前一句是并列的关系,最符合题意。故选E
答案: B
解析: 空格后的一句话意思是“长久以来,人们破坏自然资源,耗尽了那些不可替代的资源”。与这句话的意思紧密衔接的就是选项B,意思是“可再生资源就是那些很容易被替代的资源”。故选B。
Business English Helps  English plays an important role in the workplace.When it is used in the correct and proper
31 , it can help to promote a career or a business.Some may
32 or want to study business English
33 they start their career.Those who are already working have the
34 to see what they can cannot do
35 in English in their current job.
Business English provides you with valuable skills needed for your work.For example, you will learn
36 to negotiate.Being able to deal with a
37 and knowing how to bargain and
38 an agreement can make a
39 difference to the outcome.
Business English learning encourages professional and efficient communication, and promotes service to customers and business partners,
40 is a great advantage for any business.
答案: I
解析: 由空格前的形容词correct和proper可知空格处需要填一个名词。根据本句句意,这里表示用正确的方式使用,in the correct and proper way以正确且恰当的方式,故选I。
答案: B
解析: 由空格前的情态动词may可知空格处需要填一个动词原形。根据本句句意,这里表示一些人可能需要或想要学习商务英语,故选B。
答案: D
解析: 由于空格前后都是一个完整的句子,中间需要一个连接词连接,根据本句句意,这里表示一些人在开始他们的职业生涯之前可能需要或想要学习商务英语,before在……之前,故选D。
答案: L
解析: 由空格前的定冠词the可知空格处需要填一个名词,根据本句句意,这里表示已经工作的人有机会了解他们在工作中能否有效地使用英语,have opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事,故选L。
答案: H
解析: 由空格前的动词do可知空格处需要填一个副词,effectively有效地,故本题选H。
答案: J
解析: 该句为宾语从句,此处缺少宾语从句的引导词,且在从句中充分状语,空格处需要填一个副词,根据本句句意,这里表示你将要学习如何谈判,故选J。
答案: G
解析: 由空格前的a可知空格处需要填一个名词,根据本句句意,这里表示能够处理矛盾,知道怎么议价并达成一致能够对结果产生很大的影响。conflict矛盾,冲突,故选G。
答案: E
解析: 由空格前的bargain可知空格处需要填一个动词原形,reach an agreement达成共识,为固定搭配,故选E。
答案: A
解析: 由空格前的a和空格后的different可知空格处需要填一个形容词,根据本句句意,这里表示能够处理矛盾,知道怎么议价并达成一致对结果的影响会是很大的,故选A。
答案: F
解析: 由空格前后的句子可知本句考查的是定语从句,空格处需要填上引导词,根据本句句意,这里表示学习商务英语促进专业而有效的沟通,提升对消费者和商业伙伴的服务质量,这在任何一门生意中都是很大的优势。which引导定语从句,修饰的是前面整句话内容。故选F。
Silent Listening  If something bad just happened(happen) to your friend, what should you do? Would you mention it to him and say you feel sorry about it? Would you offer support or advice? According to Ruth Clark, such
41 (diveat) could mean well, but it might not what he
42 (real) wants or needs.
Clark asked some college students to imagine some
43 (pleasant) situations, e.g., a low exam grade or the dad's
44 (lose) of his job.The students were then
45 (ask)how they would like to be diveated by a friend who learned of the bad situation from someone else.The results were a little
46 (surprise).Some said they would want and expect their friend to mention the
47 (annoy) situation, but most of the students in the study
48 (respond) that they would like the friend not to do it.The students made the
49 (decide) for themselves whether to discuss their problem with a friend.So, there is value in being a silent
50 (listen)around a divoubled friend.
答案: treatment
解析: 由空前的形容词such可知,空格处需要填一个名词作主语,动词treat的名词形式为treatment。故答案为treatment。
答案: really
解析: 由空后的动词want和need可知,空格处需要填一个副词,形容词real的副词形式为really。故答案为really。
答案: unpleasant
解析: 由空格后列举的例子可知,空格处需要填写一个否定的形容词,pleasant的否定形式为unpleasant。故答案为unpleasant。
答案: loss
解析: 由空前的物主代词dad’s可知,空格处需要填写一个名词,lose的名词形式为loss。故答案为loss。
答案: asked
解析: 由空前的be动词were可知,空格处需要填写一个动词的过去分词,ask的过去分词形式为asked。故答案为asked。
答案: surprising
解析: 由空前的名词results可知,空格处需要填写一个形容词,该句的主语是物results,故应用它的修饰物的形容词形式surprising,故答案为surprising。
答案: annoying
解析: 由空后的名词situation可知,空格处需要填写一个形容词,且此处修饰situation,故应用它的修饰物的形容词形式annoying,故答案为annoying。
答案: responded
解析: 由全文的时态可知,空格处需要填写一个过去式,respond的过去式形式为responded。故答案为responded。
答案: decision
解析: 由空前的冠词the可知,空格处需要填写一个名词,decide的名词形式为decision,make decision为固定搭配,意为“做决定”。故答案为decision。
答案: listener
解析: 由空前的形容词silent可知,空格处需要填写一个名词。上一句中的a提示这里应为名词单数,a silent listener意为“一个安静的倾听者”。故答案为listener。
