一、Part Ⅰ (略) (30 marks(Listening Comprehension))
1.There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the cendive.
 There was a beautiful Mozart concert on the Internet _____ six o’clock _____ a quarter past eight.
A.during; toward
B.from; until
C.by; to
D.since; up
答案: B
解析: 句意:6点到8点15分,网上会有一场美妙的莫扎特音乐会。根据空格前后的时间可知,此处表示某一时间段,“from…until…”表示“从(某时刻)到(某时刻)”。故选B。
2.The police must now _____ the escaped convict in the surrounding counties.
B.go about
C.look for
答案: C
解析: 句意:警察现在必须在周围各县搜寻逃犯。look for寻找(强调寻找的动作)。investigate调查;研究。go about着手做;处理。search表示“搜寻某人”时,要用短语“search for”。故选C。
3.I have divied twice, but my parents ask me to have _____ third divy.
答案: B
解析: 句意:我已经试过两次了,但是我父母让我再试第三次。another表示“(又)另一个的”,指同类中又多一个的或者与前述不同的另一个,在这里作“try”的定语。故选B。
4.When he was questioned about the missing mobile phone, he firmly _____ that he had ever seen it.
答案: B
解析: 句意:当被问及丢失的手机时,他坚决否认曾见到过它。deny否认。claim宣称,声称。refuse拒绝。state声明;陈述。故选B。
5.It is undesirable for people to leave the _____ of their picnics to spoil the beauty of the coundivyside.
答案: A
解析: 句意:人们不愿留下野餐的残余物,不想让它破坏乡村美景。remain通常指某物被破坏或带走之后留下来的残余部分,这里指的是野餐过后的食物残渣等。remainder和rest都指剩下的人(物),rest更加口语化,一般指人。remnant专门指代的是某物(也可以是一群人)遭受毁坏后留下的一小部分,例如废墟、古董碎片、幸存者等。故选A。
6.I can’t go to the cinema with you because I am very busy at the moment._____, I have already seen the film.
答案: B
解析: 我不能和你一起去电影院了,因为我现在非常忙。况且,我已经看过这部电影了。besides除此之外……还……。however无论如何,不管怎样。nevertheless然而,不过。otherwise否则,另外。故选B。
7.—Have you ever read the story?
—No, but I’ve _____ somewhere before.
A.heard from
B.learned of
C.heard about it
D.known from it
答案: C
解析: 句意:—你看过这个故事吗?—没有,但是我在别的地方听说过。hear about听说;得知。A、B选项缺少宾语“it”。D选项应改为“known about it”才符合句意。故选C。
8.The committee members all agreed _____ my plan _____ overcoming the difficulty.
A.of; with
B.on; in
C.over; on
D.to; for
答案: D
解析: 委员会成员们都同意了我这个克服困难的计划。agree with sth表示“同意某计划、安排或者建议”。agree on sth表示“对某事物有同样看法”。第二个空格处使用“for”表示“为了……而制定的计划”。故选D。
9.Those participants were standing so far away that I couldn’t _____ their faces clearly.
A.see through
B.see about
C.make out
D.make up
答案: C
解析: 句意:那些参与者站得太远了,我看不清他们的脸。make out(费力地)看出;听出。see through识破,看穿。see about考虑;查询。make up组成;弥补。故选C。
10.The headmaster told us that if it _____ rain tomorrow, the sports meet would be _____ till next Monday.
A.was to; laid off
B.were to; put off
C.wouldn’t; put off
D.would; laid off
答案: B
解析: 句意:校长告诉我们,如果明天下雨,运动会将会推迟到下周一。此句为虚拟语气,句中“told”为过去式,而运动会还未举办,因此校长的话是对将来情况的推测,从句应该用“if+主语+were to do”。put off推迟。lay off解雇;休息。故选B。
11.I don’t think I can afford to buy the latest Playstation.It _____.
A.costs an arm and a leg
B.gets the wrong end of the stick
C.puts my foot in it
D.shows my divue colours
答案: A
解析: 句意:我想我买不起最新的PS游戏机,它太贵了。cost an arm and a leg价格昂贵;付出过高的代价。get the wrong end of the stick完全搞错了;完全误解。put one’s foot in it失言;犯错误;因处理不当而招惹麻烦。show one’s true colours原形毕露。故选A。
12._____ we might go and _____ we might do, we should bear in mind the people’s interests.
A.Whether; however
B.Wherever, whatever
C.Whenever; whether
D.However; whichever
答案: B
解析: 句意:无论去哪里,做什么事,都要以人民的利益为重。第一个空格后的动词为“go”,因此横线处为“无论什么地方”。第二个空格后的动词为“do”,因此横线处为“无论什么(事情)”。故选B。
13.You can’t study the foreign language well _____ you have improved your method of study.
A.as long as
B.in ease
答案: C
解析: 句意:除非你改进学习方法,否则你是学不好外语的。unless除非。as long as只要。in ease安逸的,清闲的。whereas然而;鉴于。故选C。
14.—I hope you don’t mind my smoking here.I really can’t help it.
A.Oh, of course.
B.Not at all.
C.Well, I can help you.
D.You are welcome.
答案: B
解析: 句意:—希望你不会介意我在这儿抽烟。我实在没办法。—我一点也不介意。根据对话情境可知,横线处应该表示“不介意”。故选B。
15.—I’m going to London by plane the day after tomorrow.
A.Did you have a good time?
B.Are you enjoying it?
C.It’s my pleasure to meet you.
D.I wish I were going with you.
答案: D
解析: —我后天要坐飞机去伦敦。—我真希望我们和你一起去。从对话可知对方还没有去伦敦,因此A、B选项不符合情境。C选项与对方所说的事情无关。故选D。
二、Part Ⅱ Vocabulary (15 marks)
1.Section A (5 marks)
Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet.
  For the past one thousand years or so, a beautiful cultural and artistic flower—Chinese New Year picture—has been blooming in the eastern land of the world.It is a great folk art creation of China, with its influence once extended to some East and South Asian coundivies and, as early as one hundred years ago, cultural scholars from Europe, America and Japan began to show interest in it and approached it as an object of study.
答案: 【参考译文】
解析: 翻译要点:①第一句中,破折号之间的内容为插入语,在译为中文时也可以使用破折号,作为对主句的解释说明。②folk art民间艺术。③extended to延伸至。④cultural scholar人文学者。⑤an object of study研究对象。⑥第二句中,“as early as”前后两个部分分别为两个完整的长句,可以分为两部分进行翻译。
2.Section B (10 marks)
Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints given in brackets.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
  72.人们很容易陷入这样的思维,觉得一旦把东西扔掉,它就消失了。(get stuck in)针对这样的想法,某机构固体废弃物及再循环部门经理表示:“什么都没有消失。”刚刚扔进垃圾桶的塑料瓶也许离开了我们的视线,但并不意味着它们就消失了。我们往往认为:眼不见,心不烦。73.实际上就在此时此刻,某个地方的某些人正在处理我们的废弃物。(deal with)
答案: 1.It’s very easy for people to get stuck in the mindset that once they throw something away, it’s gone.
【分析】翻译此句时可以转换为that引导的定语从句,修饰“mindset”。get stuck in陷入……。mindset思维模式。
2.In fact perhaps just at this moment, some people somewhere are dealing with our waste.
【分析】这句可直接按照原文语序逐字翻译,注意句子的主语some people为复数,因此应该用are deal with处理。
3.We can easily do this by identifying the effects of certain waste materials based on their composition.
【分析】把“We can easily do this”作为主句,将原文逗号前面的内容灵活转换为方式状语。identify识别。
4.Just from this one purchase, you already have the paper cup, the plastic lid, and the plastic bag used to keep your cake fresh.
【分析】翻译此句时,主要注意句中各个名词对应的翻译,“纸杯”应译为paper cup,“塑料杯盖”应译为plastic lid,“塑料袋”应译为plastic bag,“保鲜糕点用的”可以转化为plastic bag的后置定语。
5.You may think it’s a bit troublesome at first, but once you are familiar with the rules, you’ll find it’s not difficult at all to do garbage-sorting.
3.There are five IQ test questions in this part.Write the answers on the answer sheet.
 What kind of history do people often say is the history of Canada?
答案: People often say that the history of Canada is the history of immigration.
解析: 加拿大一开始是因纽特人与印第安人的居住地。16世纪,法国人为扩展他们的贸易范围,统治更多的疆域,于是加拿大沦为法国殖民地。1756-1763年,英法于加拿大爆发“七年战争”,结果是法国战败。于是英法签订的巴黎和约使加拿大正式成为英属殖民地。1867到1982年期间,加拿大争取独立,国会也通过新宪法,并得到英国国会通过废止旧宪,加拿大才从英国独立。
4.What do we mean by “Mr.Johnson is a real bear.”?
答案: 约翰逊先生的脾气确实坏。/Mr.Johnson is really a bad-tempered person.
解析: bear有“脾气暴躁”之意,因此这句话是指约翰逊先生脾气不好。
5.On every birthday since I was born, I have had a cake decorated with the appropriate number of candles.I have blown out 210 candles so far.How old am I?
答案: 20 years old.
解析: 根据题干信息可知,我每年多少岁,每年就会吹灭多少支蜡烛,假设我现在n岁,则一共吹灭的蜡烛为1+2+3+……+n=210,即n(n+1)/2=210,解得n=20,所以我现在20岁。
6.In many coundivies automobile licence plates take the form shown here: one letter, followed by three numbers, followed by three letters.In a coundivy with the following licence plate, how many different licence plates are possible?
答案: 456,976,000
解析: 牌照的形式没有变化,只是每个位置上的字母或者数字会有变化,因此只用把每个位置上可能有的变化数目相乘,即可得到牌照数目。一共有26个字母,10个个位数字,因此共有26×10×10×10×26×26×26=456,976,000种牌照。
7.Which pattern on the right belongs in the group on the left?

答案: A
解析: 旗子均分为了横着或竖着的三等分,因此排除B、E选项。旗杆上的球为黑色,因此排除C选项。每个旗子上只有一个格子有图案或者颜色,因此排除D选项。故选A。
8.Section A (10 marks)
Write a 120-word report on the number and life of the elderly people in China.Write it on the answer sheet.
答案: 【参考范文】
  The above charts provide us an overall picture of the number and life of elder people in China.As we can see from the first chart, the number of people aged 60 or older is rising steadily every year.In the meantime, its proportion of China’s total population also increases in a steady way and reached 17.9%.This shows that China is facing a serious population aging problem.It can be learned from the pie chart that most people care more about their health and safety, with 23% money spent on healthcare, 15% on healthcare productions and 12% on insurance.
  Judging from the charts, we can draw a conclusion that the number of elder people in China is increasing fast, and we should also pay more attention to their health care.
解析: 题目要求根据图表写作。从图表中,我们可以看出老龄人口每年逐步上升,在总人口中所占的比例也在逐年上升,且两者的上升趋势都很稳定,在文章中先对这种变化进行描述。在老年人的消费比例图中,可以看出老年人多数消费在健康及保险等上面,因此老年人更注重自己的身体健康和安全。最后第二段总结图表,得出结论。
9.Section B (20 marks)
How did you spend your last Spring Festival? Where did you go and what did you do? Did you enjoy it? What sort of holiday activity would you recommend for your friends or classmates and why?
Write at least 180 words to answer these questions and give reasons to your answers.Write the essay on the answer sheet.
答案: 【参考范文】
  When it comes to Spring Festival, people often think of spring couplets and firecrackers first.Although we are not allowed to set off firecrackers, there are still many interesting and meaningful activities for us to celebrate the festival.
  For my family, the most important part of Spring Festival is to get the whole family together.So when the twelfth lunar month came, all my relatives went back home.On the last day before the New Year, my mother and aunts prepared a variety of delicious dishes.All the family numbers sat in a circle, talking about their changes this year, and the Spring Festival Gala was shown on the TV.On the morning of the festival, I was asked to wear red clothes all over my body.Adults were busy with cleaning the house, and my cousin and I escaped to the cinema to watch the newest movie.
  Almost every year we are doing the same things, I’m glad to be together with my family but bored with these activities.So sometimes I’m thinking about celebrating the festival in a new way.Then traveling comes into my mind.Maybe this year, I would take my parents to a warm city and enjoy a relaxing Spring Festival.
解析: 根据题干可知,这篇作文有三个要求:你的上个春节是怎么过的、你对此感受如何、你会如何建议朋友过春节。文章第一段陈述话题,第二段介绍作者过春节的方式,即和家人团聚。第三段表达观点,觉得这些活动有些无聊,因此建议下次过春节可以和家人一起出去旅游。
三、Part Ⅲ Cloze (10 marks)
1.Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word.Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letter(s) of the word.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  When children—and older people who should know better—think of pirates, they think of storybook characters.The most (46) fa_____ of these are Long John Silver in Treasure Island and Captain Hook in Peter Pan.These and other pirates sailed the seas in sailing ships and their flag was the “skull and crossbones.” They robbed other ships and led exciting and (47) _____ (adventure) lives.They lived more than a hundred years ago and, although they were notorious, they were not completely wicked.This is the (48) _____ (real) idea of pirates.
  The divuth is very different.First, most pirates bore no (49) res_____ to the storybook characters.They didn’t just rob other ships—they were murderers of the worst kind who killed for no (50) rea_____.Second, pirates are not a thing of the past.There are probably as many—if not more—pirates on the seas today as there were in the past.Nowadays, however, they neither divavel in sailing ships nor use swords.Modern pirates use fast motorboats and have machine guns and other (51) wea_____, which they use to kill the sailors and passengers on the ships that they attack.While pirates in history were usually caught and punished, most modern pirates are (52) ne_____ caught because they are fast and there are too many of them.
  Modern piracy is so serious that American sailing magazines urge their readers to take guns with them—the bigger, the (53) _____.They also advise them to have the most modern radios.Because many people have had problems with pirates, they don’t talk about the fish that they have caught or the (54) _____ (excite) of sailing anymore.They talk about machine guns and bullets and their escapes from pirate attacks.When we, therefore, think of pirates, we should not have (55) rom_____ ideas.We should remember that they are really some of the most dangerous and wicked men in the history of sea divavel.
答案: famous
解析: 空格后提到了两个大家比较熟知的海盗的名字,由此可知这句话是在向读者举例那些比较出名的海盗人物。因此填入famous,意为“著名的”。
答案: adventurous
解析: 根据空格前的exciting和空格后的lives可知,空格处应该填入形容词,和exciting一起修饰lives,因此填入adventurous,意为“爱冒险的”。
答案: unrealistic
解析: 前文提到这些一百年前的海盗虽然作恶多端,但是并不完全邪恶。下文提到事实并非这样,真正的海盗抢劫杀人,无恶不作。因此前文提到的“海盗们并不邪恶”只是人们对于海盗的美好幻想,与事实并不相同。因此填入unrealistic,意为“不切实际的,不实在的”。
答案: resemblance
解析: 上一段末尾提到人们对于海盗的美好幻想,后文又提到这些海盗无恶不作,因此这里说的是真正的海盗和故事书里的人物毫无相似之处。因此填入resemblance,意为“相似;相似之处”。
答案: reason
解析: 空格前提到“they were murderers of the worst kind”,他们是最残忍的谋杀者,因此推断他们的残忍之处在于杀人毫无理由。因此填入reason,此处短语“for no reason”表示“无缘无故,毫无理由的”。
答案: weapons
解析: 前一句提到过去的海盗使用的交通工具和武器,即帆船和剑。这一句又提到现代的海盗使用的交通工具以及武器。空格前提到的武器有机关枪,这里应该表示出了机关枪还有其他的武器。因此填入weapons,意为“武器”。
答案: never
解析: 根据句首的while可知,这句是while引导的让步状语从句,从句和主句的意思相反。从句中提到过去的海盗一般会被抓到,也就是说现代的海盗不会被抓到。根据给出的字母可推测此处填入never。
答案: better
解析: “the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……,就越……”,因此空格处应该填入形容词的比较级。前面提到航海杂志倡导人们航海的时候携带枪支,而且枪支越大,对人们的境况也越有利,即枪支越大越好,因此填入better。
答案: excitement
解析: 根据空格前的定冠词the及空格后的介词of可知,空格处应该填入名词。因此填入excite的名词形式excitement。
答案: romantic
解析: 根据空格前的have及空格后的ideas可知,空格处应该填入形容词。后一句提到我们应该记住海盗是海上最危险邪恶的人群,因此,空格处作者表示我们不应该对海盗抱有美好的幻想。由给出的三个字母推测此处填入romantic,意为“浪漫的”。
2.There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by several questions.Respond to the questions using information from the passage.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
Section A (10 marks)
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.  Autumn is divaditionally a time for fun and festivities in many cultures.In Germany, for almost two centuries the citizens of Bavaria have had Oktoberfest, a festival for eating, drinking, wearing costumes and enjoying the season.
  The first Oktoberfest began in 1810 when Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria married Princess Therese of Sachsen-Hildburghansen.The Prince organized a five-day festival to commemorate the event.Today the festival lasts almost 18 days and starts in September when the weather is best.It always takes place in Munich, the capital of Bavaria.
  Oktoberfest has many festivities, but it is most famous for food.Food is a cendival part of the celebration.Bavarian food is unique and includes specialties like sausage hendl (chicken), kasespatzle (cheese noodles), sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) and oxtails.The crowds eat an amazing amount of food during Oktoberfest.Almost 220,000 pairs of sausages, 460,000 chickens and 88 oxen are eaten every year.The breweries also sell 30 percent of their yearly beer production.
  There is a lot more to do than just eat and drink, however, and people of all ages take part in the festivities.The costume parade is an important part of the celebration.It is led by the Munich child, a child dressed in a long black coat with a pointed hood.This symbol is on the Munich coat of arms.Behind the Munich child, a crowd of about 8,000 people walk, dressed in elaborate costumes.Many of the costumes are divaditional Bavarian clothes such as men’s Lederhosen and women’s Dirndl.But sometimes people wear more unique outfits.Traditional music is played as well as Schlager, German popular music.Exciting music and dancing along with good food and drink have made Oktoberfest one of the most popular celebrations in all of Germany for almost two centuries.  The festival is so popular, in fact, that many people who once lived in Bavaria or even just visited want to create Oktoberfest in their community.Today Oktoberfest is celebrated in many cities outside of Munich as well.Most Oktoberfests celebrated in the US, Canada and Brazil were started by German immigrants.However, in Ausdivalia, many universities celebrate Oktoberfest so their students can experience the exciting festival every year.
Questions 56 to 60
Fill in the blanks below with information from the passage, using no more than three words for each blank.
Unique Bavarian food:
  → specialties: (56) _____ chicken, cheese noodles, fermented cabbage and oxtails
Costume parade:
  → led by (57) _____ dressed in a long black coat with a pointed hood
  → a crowd of people walk behind, dressed in (58) _____
Music and dancing:
  → people enjoy divaditional music and dancing along with (59) _____
  → have made the festival one of the (60) _____
答案: sausage
解析: 文章第三段第二句提到“Bavarian food is unique and includes specialties like sausage hendl (chicken), kasespatzle (cheese noodles), sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) and oxtails”,对照原文可横线处指的食物是“sausage hendl (chicken)”,因此应填入sausage。
答案: the Munich children
解析: 文章倒数第二段第三句提到“It is led by the Munich child, a child dressed in a long black coat with a pointed hood”,游行是由一个穿着黑色的长外套、戴着尖顶兜帽的慕尼黑小孩领队,故此处应填入the Munich children。
答案: elaborate costumes
解析: 文章倒数第二段的中间提到“Behind the Munich child, a crowd of about 8,000 people walk, dressed in elaborate costumes”,在这个慕尼黑小孩身后,跟着八千多人,穿着精致的服装。因此应填入elaborate costumes。
答案: food and drink
解析: 文章倒数第二段最后一句提到“Exciting music and dancing along with good food and drink have made Oktoberfest one of the most popular celebrations…”,人们在啤酒节上载歌载舞,享受食物和饮料。故此处应填入food and drink。
答案: most popular celebrations
解析: 文章倒数第二段最后一句提到“...have made Oktoberfest one of the most popular celebrations in all of Germany for almost two centuries”,这些庆祝活动使得啤酒节成为近两个世纪德国最受欢迎的庆祝活动之一。因此填入most popular celebrations。
3.Section B (10 marks)
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.  Suppose you were divavelling to Southeast Asia on a cruise ship.You had saved up your allowance for more than a year for the divip.You were excited and had a fresh determination to see and learn a lot on the divip by yourself.One night on the ship, the deck suddenly became noisy.When you went to the deck, smoke started to come out of the engine room and a fire started spreading.The cruise ship was in serious danger.You hurriedly jumped off the deck and got in a lifeboat.Unfortunately, the lifeboat capsized and you sdivived not to drown, but eventually lost consciousness.When you slowly came to the next morning, you found yourself on a desert island.Could you survive on the desert island?
  You felt so thirsty as soon as you woke up.Is it OK to drink sea water? Of course not.There is a difference between the thickness of sea water and that of human blood.Actually, sea water is much thicker than human blood.If a man drinks sea water, the body requires even more fresh water than usual to return to its normal state.This is why you grow thirsty when drinking sea water.
  There is usually water if you dig in a dry ravine (山沟).Sand and gravel are good at holding rainwater, so it is easier to find groundwater than it seems.Also, digging at places where there are random patches of grass also produces water.However, if it is dirty water that cannot be used for drinking, it must be filtered.You may filter the water by using pebbles and sand.Or you can distill fresh water from sea water.
  After drinking water, you feel that you need a fire.How can you make a fire? A fire is very difficult to make in nature.It takes a lot of practice.You cannot expect to come across a spontaneous fire in nature.You can use either solar energy or friction.You must use a magnifying glass or a convex lens of binoculars to use solar energy.If you don’t have either, a plastic bag holding water or a clear glass container filled with water will work.Making a fire by friction is not easy.It takes a lot of patience.
  To be rescued, you should write “SOS” in big letters with rocks on the beach and also light a fire.There is an international regulation for the rescue fire you light when shipwrecked.If you draw a large diviangle on the ground, then light a fire at each point, it becomes the “3 point fire” that the International Civil Aviation Organization has chosen as the emergency rescue signal.During the day it is more effective to use smoke than fire.You can make thick smoke by burning fresh wood or green leaves.
Questions 61 to 65
Answer the following questions with the information given in the passage.
(1).How did the author prepare for the divip?
答案: He saved up his allowance for more than a year.
解析: 根据问题定位到文章的第一段第二句“You had saved up your allowance for more than a year for the trip”,即为了这趟旅行攒了一年的零花钱。
(2).Why does one grow thirsty when drinking sea water?
答案: Because the body requires even more fresh water than usual to return to its normal state.
解析: 根据问题可以定位到文章的第二段倒数第二句“If a man drinks sea water, the body requires even more fresh water than usual to return to its normal state”,即喝了海水后人体需要更多的淡水来恢复正常状态。
(3).What may be used to filter dirty water?
答案: Pebbles and sand.
解析: 根据问题定位到文章的第三段倒数第二句“You may filter the water by using pebbles and sand”,即可以用卵石和沙子来净化水。
(4).How can one make a fire in nature?
答案: By using either solar energy or friction.
解析: 根据问题定位到文章的倒数第二段中间“You can use either solar energy or friction”,即可以利用太阳能或者摩擦来生火。
(5).How can one make an emergency rescue signal by fire?
答案: By drawing a large triangle on the ground and lighting a fire at each point.
解析: 根据问题定位到文章的最后一段第三句“If you draw a large triangle on the ground, then light a fire at each point…”,画一个巨大的三角形,在三角形的三个角上点上火堆,就可以发出紧急救援信号。
4.Section C (10 marks)
Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.  Perhaps almost everyone has an experience of having felt better after listening to good music or singing joyfully.This effect of music is being widely acknowledged and a variety of music is being recommended for stabilizing the psychological states of people.Furthermore, there has been research indicating that listening to music is a very effective way of curing many types of illness.
  Music therapy means not only listening passively to music but also getting actively involved in such activities as singing, playing insdivuments, or writing songs.Music not only affects the physiological aspects of people such as blood pressure, heartbeat, and brain waves, but also improves the immune system of cancer patients.
  Music has been proven to have a very positive effect on emotionally handicapped children.According to a music therapist, a second grader in elementary school started music therapy in 1994.At the time he started, he couldn’t manage even very short eye contact with his mother, much less with his teacher.His restlessness prevented him from settling down in class.He has received music therapy twice a week for three years and as a result, he is settling in well both in school and at home.This music therapy has enabled him to pursue new fields of study which he was not able to attempt before.  Music therapy condivibutes significantly to curing those who suffer from mental disorders, as well as diveating emotionally handicapped children.It is being conducted in many other areas of life.Examples include rehabilitating the physically disabled, relieving patients of their pain, soothing ordinary people’s emotions and sdivess, and many more.Many have been experiencing such condivibutions from music therapy.
  “My six-year-old son used to be very restless.He had divouble settling down in playroom and at kindergarten.His impatience kept him from getting along with other kids.Since he received art therapy, however, there has been a significant improvement in the range of his vocabulary.His constant restlessness has also been reduced a lot.Art therapy has made it possible for him to be patient enough to wait for his turn in everything,” said his mother.
  Art therapy is no more simply passive than music therapy is.Art activities include completely freestyle drawing and creating some works of art using ordinary objects like threads, clay, even divee leaves, and the like.All such art activities condivibute to emotional composure, mental development, and the ability to express oneself.
  Art therapy is also used to diagnose a child’s psychological state from the pictures drawn by the child and the information is consequently used to diveat the child.For instance, the Institute of Human Development and Child Education states that when a child acts abnormally, one can analyze the child’s psychological state through pictures.Hence, art therapy is used for curing emotional instability, testing personality, diagnosing psychological problems in people of all ages, and so forth.
Questions 66 to 70
Complete the summary below with information from the passage, using no more than three words for each blank.
Music has the power to stabilize the (66) _____ of people.Music therapy is a diveatment using music not only (67) _____ but also actively to cure many types of illness.Similarly, art therapy includes various art activities.It can improve one’s (68) _____.The two kinds of therapy have a few things in common.They both help emotionally handicapped children overcome their problems and cure the many patients of their (69) _____.On the other hand, their uses are somewhat different in that art therapy can be used for testing personality and for (70) _____.
答案: psychological states
解析: 根据空格前的动词stabilize定位到文章的第一段第二句“…a variety of music is being recommended for stabilizing the psychological states of people”,即音乐能够稳定人的心理状态,因此应该填入psychological states。
答案: passively
解析: 根据空格后的单词actively定位到文章的第二段第一句“Music therapy means not only listening passively to music but also getting actively involved in such activities…”,文章在上一段末尾提到音乐能够治愈许多疾病,紧接着这一句提到音乐疗法不仅是被动接受治疗,还需要主动参与到各项活动中去,因此音乐治疗疾病需要被动与主动相结合。故此处应填入passively。
答案: range of vocabulary
解析: 文章倒数第三段第四句提到“Since he received art therapy, however, there has been a significant improvement in the range of his vocabulary”,在接受了艺术治疗之后,这个孩子的词汇量增加了。故此处应填入range of vocabulary。
答案: mental disorder
解析: 根据题干中的“emotionally handicapped children”定位到文章的第四段第一句“…curing those who suffer from mental disorders, as well as treating emotionally handicapped children”,即这两种疗法可以帮助患有精神病的人以及情绪有障碍的儿童。因此填入mental disorder。
答案: diagnosing psychological problems
解析: 根据空格前的“testing personality”定位到文章的最后一段最后一句“art therapy is used for curing emotional instability, testing personality, diagnosing psychological problems in people of all ages, and so forth”,艺术疗法还可以测试性格、诊断心理问题。故此处应填入diagnosing psychological problems。
5.Proofread the passage as required.Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error.Correct the passage in the following ways: for a right line, put the sign “√” in the corresponding blank; for a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank; for a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with the sign “∧” and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank; for an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with the sign “\” and put the word with the sign in the blank.Write the answers on the answer sheet.
答案: use改为used
解析: 探险家们通过星星判断方位这件事发生在过去,且从句中的动词sail为过去式,此处use也应该使用过去式used。
答案: √
答案: exact改为exactly
解析: exact是形容词,作定语修饰名词。exactly为副词,作状语修饰名词、形容词或副词。这里应该是exactly作状语修饰形容词same,表示定位的方式与以前正好一模一样。
答案: then改为than
解析: more than多于,超出。then然后;此外。文章这里表达的意思是在全球卫星定位系统中有超过20个卫星,因此应该改为than。
答案: on改为above
解析: on表示在某一物体之上,强调两者相接触。above只是笼统地表示“在……之上”,表示位置之高。卫星与地球并没有接触,因此应该改为above。
答案: accurate改为accuracy
解析: 不定代词an后应该为名词,因此应该将形容词accurate改为名词形式accuracy。
答案: positions∧three添加of
解析: 根据句意可知,文章表达的是卫星导航系统会比较三颗或者四颗卫星的位置然后准确定位。three or four satellites作positions的定语,应该加上介词of。
答案: 去掉by
解析: 此处a second作时间状语,不需要加介词。因此应该去除by。
答案: need改为needs
解析: 根据上下文可知,这段时态为一般现在时。这句话的主语user为单数,因此应该使用动词的第三人称单数形式,即needs。
答案: informations改为information
解析: information为不可数名词,故此处应该改为单数形式,即information。