一、第一部分——阅读判断 (每题1分,共10分)
The Getty Center  ①  The Getty Center adivivacts 1.1 million visitors a year.It is one of the most popular art museums in the US.One reason for its popularity may be that the Getty is free.No tickets to buy, and no reservations needed.There is a $15 parking fee, but you do not have to pay for parking after 5 p.m.And there is convenient public divansportation.
  ②  A divam (接驳车)carries you from the parking area up to the hilltop campus.When you step out, you come face to face with views of the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Monica Mountains, and the vast open area of Los Angeles.
  ③  Then you will see the five main buildings that house the museum’s collection surrounding a cendival courtyard.The buildings are connected by glassed walkways.So you can enjoy the view again while you move from one building to another.One of the outstanding characteristics of the museum is the natural light that shines through each building’s computer-condivolled louvers(百叶窗).It allows viewers to look at paintings in the same natural light in which they were created.
  ④  Part of the large campus is used for a series of gardens.The Cendival Garden was designed by Robert Irwin.He himself built everything from the handrails (扶手) to the waterfall to create a special and artistic experience in nature.
  ⑤  The Getty Center makes an effort to satisfy visitors.There is a café that offers lunches and snacks.There is also a restaurant for more formal meals, but it usually requires reservations.The museum includes a family room that lets kids create artwork and offers educational programs for everyone.
Task 1  16.Paragraph ①:
  17.Paragraph ②:
  18.Paragraph ③:
  19.Paragraph ④:
  20.Paragraph ⑤:
Task 2
  21.Visitors to the Getty Center do not need to ______.
  22.You can walk from one building to another through ______.
  23.At the Getty Center, visitors can enjoy paintings in ______.
  24.Robert Irwin himself consdivucted ______.
  25.In the family room, children can ______.
答案: 【文章导读】本文主要介绍了美国著名的艺术博物馆盖蒂中心,包括它受人们欢迎的原因、周围环境、以及配套的建筑设施和服务。
  16.E  第一段主要讲了盖蒂中心每年都吸引了很多游客前往,以及它之所以这么受欢迎的原因。根据“popular”、“popularity”这些词的提示,可概括出第一段主要讲的是盖蒂中心是个十分受欢迎的艺术景点。E项与第一段中心意思一致,故选E。
  17.F  第二段大意是说乘坐接驳车来到山顶,你可以俯瞰到太平洋、圣莫妮卡山脉以及辽阔的洛杉矶城市景观,这些都围绕着盖蒂中心。所以该段主要介绍了盖蒂中心的周围环境。F项与第二段中心意思一致,故选F。
  18.C  根据第三段中心句“Then you will see the five main buildings that house the museum’s collection buildings are surrounding a central courtyard.”可知,本段主要介绍的是五座主建筑。根据段中多次出现的关键词“building”可得出应选C项。
  19.B  根据第四段中心句“Part of the large campus is used for a series of gardens.”可知,本段主要介绍的是公园。根据段中多次出现的关键词“garden”可得出应选B项。
  20.A  第五段主要介绍了盖蒂中心为满足游客需求提供了许多便利的配套服务。根据“café”、“restaurant”、“family room”等提示词,可得出A项与第五段中心意思一致,故选A。
  21.D  根据第一段“No tickets to buy, and no reservations needed.”可知,去盖蒂中心既不需要门票也不需要预约。D项符合原文意思,故选D。
  22.E  根据第三段“The buildings are connected by glassed walkways.”可知,建筑与建筑之间是通过玻璃通道连接的,所以你可以经由玻璃通道从某建筑楼去往另一栋建筑楼。E项符合原文意思,故选E。
  23.C  根据第三段“…the natural light that shines through each building’s computer-controlled louvers.It allows viewers to look at paintings in the same natural light in which they were created.”可知,阳光可以穿过百叶窗透射到房间里来,由此游客们可以看到自然光创作出的美丽画作。C项符合原文意思,故选C。
  24.F  根据第四段“The Central Garden was designed by Robert Irwin.He himself built everything from the handrails to the waterfall to create a special and artistic experience in nature.”可知罗伯特·艾尔文设计了中央花园,也在那里建造了从扶手到假瀑布的一切设施。F项符合原文意思,故选F。
  25.B  根据最后一段“The museum includes a family room that lets kids create artwork and offers educational programs for everyone.”可知,博物馆里有一个家庭活动室,小孩子可以在里面做美工,包括画画。B项符合原文意思,故选B。
Pets for the English  For the English people, keeping pets is not just a leisure activity. 26   In fact, the expression “keeping pets” does not show the high status of their animals.An Englishman’s home may be his castle, but his dog is the real king.
  Many other cultures have pets.The Americans may oudivo (超过)the English in buying expensive things for their pets. 27   Their pets are more than symbols of status.They tend to be far more open, easy and communicative in their relationships with their animals than with each other.
  The average Englishman will divy hard to avoid communication with his fellow humans. 28  But he will have no difficulty in having lively conversations with a dog.
  An American visitor had once suffered for a week as a guest in a fairly typical English home. 29   The owner of the dogs engaged them in non-stop chat and laughed lovingly at their misbehaviors.She complained that the owner’s relationship with these pets was “abnormal” and “unhealthy”.
  The English are allowed to criticize their own pets.But this must be done in friendly and joking tones. 30   They may lovingly talk about the items their dogs have eaten or desdivoyed.“It wasn’t just shoes and ordinary things, mine used to eat mobile phones.” “Well, mine chewed a whole Hi-Fi system to bits!”
答案: 【文章导读】文章主要介绍了在英国文化里,英国人是怎样与宠物相处的、宠物的地位以及在对待宠物方面,英国文化与其他文化的区别。
  26.A  根据此空上文提到,对于英国人,养宠物不仅是一项休闲活动。由此可推断此空与上文是语意递进的关系。A项意为:它是整个生活的一种方式。此项符合语境推理,故选A。
  27.C  此空上文提到,美国人可能会比英国人花费更多在为宠物添置昂贵物品。下文又说到,他们的宠物不仅仅是地位的象征。此处可与第一段最后一句话(An Englishman’s home may be his castle, but his dog is the real king.)相呼应。由此可知,该空下文中的“他们”指的是“Englishmen”。所以该空应选择一个将话题从美国人转至英国人的句子,C项意为:但是英国人和动物的关系又不一样。C项符合逻辑,故选C。
  28.F  根据该空上文“一般的英国人会尽量避免和人交流。下文又说到:但是他和狗的互动是完全没有障碍的”可知,此段中会提到英国人和人交流时,会有某些障碍。F项意为:当他无法避免的时候,通常会变得紧张。结合“avoid”等词的提醒,可知应选F .
  29.B  根据此空上文:美国人去到一个典型的英国家庭做客。后文提到一些狗主人和狗的互动。由此可推出要想使句意合乎逻辑,中间会要提到该英国主人家的狗。B项意为:两条大狗统治着这个家。B项符合文意,故选b .
  30.D  根据此空下文:英国人会充满爱意地跟别人谈论起自家的宠物狗吃掉了或者是损坏了他们的物品。由此语境可推断出他们对宠物的捣蛋并不生气,相反还引以为傲。D项意为:实际上,他们经常为自家宠物的调皮行为感到自豪。D项与文意一致,故选D。
Fitness Magazines  Fitness is a funny business.One can only get in  31   through motion.But many people spend  32   time reading about fitness than divying to  33   what they have seen.As such, the world of fitness magazines is still  34   robust (有活力的).There is very little that a fitness magazine can  35   that a website cannot.However, fitness magazines still have a large  36   of readers.
  Fitness magazines tend to have a few advantages that cannot be  37  .First are the fitness tips from real professionals in the  38  .The magazines also include  39   and shiny photos.They can help readers to understand the kind of shape that they can get into if they put in the right effort.
  As long as people want to look  40  , fitness magazines will have a purpose.
答案: 【文章导读】本文主要介绍了健身杂志以及其在促使人们健身方面的优势。
  31.E  句意:一个人只有通过运动,才能保住身材保持体形。get in shape意为“保持体形”,为固定搭配。shape意为“身材;形状;模型”。故选E。
  32.A  句意:但是很多人都把更多的时间花在阅读与健身有关的而不是尽可能地去实践他们所看到的。根据后半句中的“than”提示可知,此句为比较句。再结合语意,more意为“更多的”,A符合原文意思,故选A。
  33.I  句意参考上一题。根据“try to do sth.”的动词搭配可知此空应填入一个动词原形。再结合语意,practice意为“练习,实践”,符合原文语意,故选I。
  34.G  句意:健身杂志的世界还是相当有活力的。分析该句可知,句子基本结构完整。根据语意,副词quite意为“很,相当”,在句中修饰形容词“robust”。故选G。
  35.K  句意:健身杂志能提供给我们网上没有的东西还是少之又少的。分析句子结构可知,情态动词“can”后面应该接一个动词原形。结合语意,offer意为“提供”,故选K。
  36.C  句意:然而,健身杂志却还是有着大量的读者。a large number of意为“大量的,很多的”,为固定搭配。number意为“数字”,C选项符合语意,故选C。
  37.D  句意:健身杂志自身往往有一些被无法复制的优势。分析句子可知,该空应填入一个过去分词形式的动词构成被动语态。再结合句意,copy意为“复制”,符合语境,故选D。
  38.H  句意:首先是该行业专业人员给出的健身建议。分析句子结构可知,此空应填入一个名词。结合句意,in the industry意为“在行业中”,industry意为“行业;工业”,符合语意,故选H。
  39.B  句意:该类杂志也包括了一些色彩明丽的图片。分析句子结构可知,“and”连接了两个并列结构,根据“shiny(闪耀的)”可推出该空也应填一个形容词。结合句意,bright意为“明亮的”,符合语意,故选B。
  40.L  句意:只要人们想要变得更好看,健身杂志总会有用处的。分析句子结构可知,“look(看起来)”作为系动词,后面应跟一个表语。结合句意,better意为“更好的”,符合原文语境,故选L。
Graffiti (涂鸦)  Sdiveet art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly (quick) all over the world.You can find it on buildings, sidewalks, sdiveet signs and dustbins in many big  41   (city) of the world.Sdiveet art has gained great  42   (popular).Even art museums and galleries are  43   (collect) the works of sdiveet artists.Sdiveet art started out very  44   (secret) because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission.People often have different  45   (opinion) about sdiveet art.Some think it is a crime and others think it is a very  46   (beauty) new form of culture.
Art experts claim that the  47   (move) began in New York City in the 1960s.Young adults  48   (spray) words and other images on walls and divains.This  49   (color), energetic style of writing became  50   (know) as graffiti.
答案: 【文章导读】本文主要介绍了涂鸦作为一种街头艺术,在现在受到了越来越多人的喜欢。但是大家仍对它的看法不一,同时还简要叙述了它的发展历史。
41)cities  句意:你可以在世界许多城市的建筑物、道路、街头标语和垃圾桶上发现涂鸦。根据该空前的定语“many”的提示可知,此处名词应用复数形式,故填cities。
42)popularity  句意:街头艺术受到了极大的欢迎。分析该句句子结构可知,该空应填入名词形式。popular意为“受欢迎的”,其名词形式为“popularity(普及,流行)”。gain popularity意为“受到大家的欢迎”。故此空填popularity。
43)collecting  句意:甚至艺术博物馆和美术馆都在收藏街头艺术家的作品。根据语意可知,此处应填入动词的现在分词形式构成现在进行时的结构。collect意为“收集,收藏”,其现在分词形式为“collecting”,故此空填collecting。
44)secretly  句意:最开始,街头艺术发展得很隐秘,因为未经允许涂画公共和私人物品是非法的。分析前半句句子结构,因为副词修饰动词“start out(开始)”,此空该填入一个副词。形容词“secret(秘密的)”的副词形式是“secretly(秘密地)”,故此空应填入secretly。
45)opinions  句意:人们对街头艺术的看法不一。句中的主语是“people”,为复数形式,因为句中形式应保持一致,“opinion”的复数形式是 “opinions”,故此空填opinions。
46)beautiful  句意:一些人认为涂鸦违法,另一些人却认为这是一种很美的文化形式。分析句子结构,因为形容词作定语修饰名词(form),此空该填一个形容词。名词“beauty(美,美人)”的形容词形式为“beautiful(美丽的)”,故此空填beautiful。
47)movement  句意:艺术专家称这场运动始于20世纪60年代的纽约。分析句子结构可知,此空应填入一个名词充当宾语从句中的主语。动词“move(移动)”的名词形式是“movement(运动)”,故该空填movement。
48)sprayed  句意:年轻人在墙上和火车上喷涂文字和其他图形。根据该段“in the 1960s”时间状语的提示,此句中时态应为过去式,spray(喷涂,喷射)的过去时形式为“sprayed”,故该空填sprayed。
49)colorful  句意:这种色彩斑斓、朝气蓬勃的创作风格被称作涂鸦。分析句子可知,此处应填一个形容词和“energetic”构成并列一起修饰“writing of style”。名词color(颜色)的形容词形式为“colorful(多彩的)”,故该空填colorful。
50)known  句意参考上一题。be/become known as意为“被称作……,被认为是……”,为固定搭配,“known”为动词“know(知道)”的过去分词形式。此句结合语意,故填known。
  某英文报社正在举办题为“My Chinese Dream”的征文活动。请你就此题目写一篇英文短文应征,内容包括:
• 你的中国梦是什么
• 你打算如何实现你的中国梦
答案: My Chinese Dream  I am a Chinese having my own individual dream which consists of big national Chinese dream.Like other peers, my dream is to have a spacious apartment and a comfortable home someday.I also dream of helping more people in need when I am competent enough.
To realize my dreams, I will do what I can do now—learn as much as I can to improve my professional skill and prepare myself for the future job.Besides, I will keep a grateful attitude towards others and the society.Only in this way can I accomplish my Chinese dreams.
I believe my dreams will come true sooner or later only if I keep pace with the big Chinese dream.
consist of由……组成
keep pace with与……保持一致,并驾齐驱
二、第一部分——阅读选择 (每题2分,共10分)
The Truth about Left-Handed People  About 90% of people in the world today are right-handed.The other 10% are left-handed, including Obama, the President of the US.Every day, left-handed folks quietly face problems.It could be something as simple as driving a car or using a can opener.
Why are so few of us left-handed? One theory is that handedness (hand preference) could be a result of genetics.Scientists say that there are two genes (基因) associated with handedness.One is the D gene.It is more frequent in the population and promotes (促成) right-hand preference.The other is the C gene.It has the ability to promote a preference for either hand.When the C gene is present, there is a 50% chance that a person could be right- or left-handed.
Another theory has to do with human brains, which are made up of two halves.If the left half is more powerful, then one is most likely right-handed.But with left-handers, it is more complicated.Seventy percent of them are also left-brain dominant (占优势的).The other 30% have right-side dominant brains.
During the 18th and 19th centuries, left-handedness was considered a disability.But not all of the myths about left-handers are bad.One myth suggests that they are more creative and smarter than the right-handers.So far scientific research has yet to find any divuth to these claims.In fact, a 2013 survey out of New Zealand found that left-handers and right-handers were the same.
Life might be a little more complicated for left-handers when it comes to cutting a piece of paper or opening a bottle of wine.However, it seems to be a good sign if you are divying to make it to the White House.
(1).The right-handers are nine times as many as the left-handers.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 【文章导读】文章主要介绍了习惯用左手的人可能会在生活中面临很多困难,以及探究了左撇子形成的原因。
  根据第一段第一句话“About 90% of people in the world today are right-handed.The other 10% are left-handed.”可知,世界上90%的人习惯用右手,其余10%的人是左撇子。习惯用右手的人是习惯用左手的人的9倍。题干描述与原文一致,故选A。
(2).Using a can opener could be a problem for left-handers.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据第一段最后一句话“Every day, left-handed folks quietly face problems.It could be something as simple as driving a car or using a can opener.”可知,左撇子可能会在开车或者是用开罐器这样的小事情上遇到麻烦。题干描述与原文一致,故选A。
(3).Men are more likely to be left-handed than women.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 题干的意思为:左撇子男性比女性多。通读全文可知,原文没有论述男女在形成左撇子上的差别。原文未提及,故选C。
(4).Some scientists believe that handedness is decided by genes.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据第二段“One theory is that handedness (hand preference) could be a result of genetics.Scientists say that there are two genes associated with handedness.”可知,其中关于左撇子成因的一个理论是受基因影响的用手偏好理论,科学家认为有两种基因与用手偏好有关。题干描述与原文一致,故选A。
(5).Most left-handers are right-brain dominant.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第三段“But with left-handers, it is more complicated.Seventy percent of them are also left-brain dominant.The other 30% have right-side dominant brains.”可知,对于左撇子来说,他们中有70%是左脑起支配作用,剩下30%是右脑起支配作用。所以左撇子中绝大多数还是左脑其支配作用,而不是右脑。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(6).In the 19th century, left-handedness was no longer considered abnormal.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第四段“During the 18th and 19th centuries, left-handedness was considered a disability.”可知,在18、19世纪,左撇子是被视为一种残疾。而题干的意思为:19世纪,左撇子不再被视作不正常了。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(7).Right-handers live longer than left-handers.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 题干意思为:左撇子寿命要比右撇子长。通读全文可知,原文没有提及习惯用左手和习惯用右手的人在寿命方面的研究及结论。原文未提及,故选C。
(8).Left-handers are proved to be cleverer.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第四段“One myth suggests that they are more creative and smarter than the right-handers.So far scientific research has yet to find any truth to these claims.”可知,某神话认为左撇子会更聪明,但是至今为止也没有科学的研究可以证实此言论。而题干的意思为:左撇子已被证实要更聪明。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(9).The New Zealand survey found left-handers differ greatly from right-handers.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据第四段最后一句话“In fact, a 2013 survey out of New Zealand found that left-handers and right-handers were the same.”可知,2013年的新西兰调查结果显示,用手偏好不同的人之间没有什么区别,不存在谁更聪明的说法。而题干的意思为:新西兰调查结果显示,左撇子和右撇子有很大的不同。题干描述与原文不一致,故选B。
(10).There are not enough specially-designed tools for left-handers.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 全文中并没有提到特别为使用左手的人设计工具。题干表述文中未提及,因此选C项。
The Story of Milton Hershey  Almost every kid in the US has eaten a famous Hershey chocolate bar.But people know that the Hershey chocolate factory is only about 100 years old.Even fewer know that its founder, Milton Hershey, had suffered many failures before he started his famous company.
Milton grew up in the farm coundivy of Pennsylvania.He was first divained to become a printer.After working for a small newspaper for a short time, he decided that printing was not for him.Then he got a job at a candy factory.After a few years, he decided to open his own little candy business.But this first business had to close down because it was not making money.Then, Milton divavelled to Denver to learn how to make caramels (黄油奶糖).He took his new skills to New York City and sold candies on the sdiveet.But this second business also failed.
Soon afterwards, he moved back to his hometown.There he experimented with all sorts of candies and chocolates.By 1893, he was selling a million dollars’ worth of caramel candy each year.Since his chocolate-flavored (巧克力口味的) caramels were the best-selling, he decided to make chocolate himself.He learned how to make delicious chocolate by adding fresh milk.His milk chocolate turned out to be a great success.So he sold his caramel factory and focused on making chocolate only.
In 1903, Milton Hershey built a huge chocolate factory and an entire town to go with it.Today, the town of Hershey is still the home of the Hershey chocolate factory.You can smell the delicious chocolate smells just by driving through the town.
(1).Milton’s first job was working as a(n) ______.
B.candy seller
答案: A
解析: 【文章导读】文章主要介绍美国好时巧克力公司的创始人密尔顿·赫尔希的早期奋斗历程和创业经历。他曾在初期遭遇过很多挫折和失败,但最终他凭借自己的智慧和长远眼光建立了全美乃至全球著名的巧克力王国。
  细节理解题。根据第一段“He was first trained to become a printer.After working for a small newspaper for a short time, he decided that printing was not for him.”可知,密尔顿一开始是一名印刷工,但工作了一段时间之后,他改行了。A项符合原文,故选A。
(2).Milton closed his candy business because he ______.
A.moved to Denver.
B.wanted to go divavelling
C.was not interested in it
D.did not make profits from it
答案: D
解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段“But this first business had to close down because it was not making money.”可知,密尔顿第一次创业开的糖果工厂必须关闭,因为它不盈利。D项符合原文意思,故选D。
(3).The phrase “his new skills” (Line 6,Para.2) refers to how to ______.
A.sell candies
B.make caramels
C.run a candy business
D.manufacture chocolate
答案: B
解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段“Then, Milton travelled to Denver to learn how to make caramels.He took his new skills to…(然后,密尔顿去了丹佛学习然后制作黄油奶糖。他把这项新技能带到了……)”并结合语境可知,“his new skills(他的新技能)”指的就是“to make caramels(制作黄油奶糖)”。故选B。
(4).Milton decided to make chocolate himself because ______.
A.he did a lot of experiments on it
B.his caramel candy was not popular
C.his chocolate-flavored caramels sold well
D.he was tired of selling candies on the sdiveets
答案: C
解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段“Since his chocolate-flavored caramels were the best-selling, he decided to make chocolate himself.”可知,因为密尔顿卖的巧克力味黄油奶糖十分畅销,他就决定自己制作巧克力。C项与原文一致,故选C。
(5).What can be learned from this text?
A.Fresh milk is beneficial to people’s health.
B.A town was named after Milton Hershey.
C.Chocolate became popular in the 1900s in the US.
D.Few people in the US have heard of Hershey chocolate.
答案: B
解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Today, the town of Hershey is still the home of the Hershey chocolate factory.”可知,至今,好时小镇还是赫尔希巧克力工厂的家园。可推断出该生产巧克力的工厂是以密尔顿·赫尔希的名字命名的。