一、第一部分——阅读判断 (每题1分,共10分)
Research Is a State of Mind  ①  For many years, there has been much misunderstanding as to just what research is.The popular belief seems to be that there is something mysterious (神秘的) about it and every research requires expensive scientific equipment.Actually, this is not so.Research isn’t a physical thing at all; it’s a state of mind.It is a simple, organized way of divying to accomplish something you wish to do.
  ②  You start by selecting the problem you would like to solve, and then you list at least ten reasons why it has not been solved.But in selecting the problem, you need to be sure that it is worth the effort.Remember, it takes just as much effort to solve a useless problem as a useful one.
  ③  After carefully selecting the problem and the ten things between you and the solution, you then use the same procedure as in solving a crossword puzzle (填字游戏).You start with the less serious difficulties, and eventually you arrive at the one or two major ones.In the solution of the remaining difficulties, you may need some simple equipment, but what you need most is patience.Few people realize how hard it is to do anything new.
  ④  Maybe one of the reasons people are so easily discouraged is because of their education.During all our years at school, we were examined two or three times a year.If we failed once, we were out.However, all research work is 99.9% failure and, if we succeed once, we are in.If we are going to make progress, we must learn to fail intelligently so that we won’t become discouraged at the 99.9% failure.
Task 1  16.Paragraph ①:
  17.Paragraph ②:
  18.Paragraph ③:
  19.Paragraph ④:
Task 2
  20.It is popularly believed that all research needs______.
  21.One should make sure the research is______.
  22.It is as difficult to solve a useful problem as to______.
  23.One may need some simple equipment to overcome______.
  24.Not many people realize that it is difficult to______.
  25.Failures in research______.
答案: 【文章导读】本篇文章主要讲的是有关研究的定义、步骤、问题、解决方法。以及在研究中不要害怕失败。
  16.B  文章第一段共四句话。第一二句话讲述的是人们一直以来对研究的误解,认为“research requires expensive scientific equipment(研究需要昂贵的设备)”,后面两句话改正这种观点,解释研究的真正的定义,即“it’s a state of mind(是一种思维状态)”。因此该段讲述的是研究的真正定义。因此选B项。
  17.A  文章第二段共三句话,分别讲述的是,选择想要研究解决的问题并列出原因,确保所选的课题值得研究,最后提醒,无用的课题也需要花精力去研究。因此本段讲述的是研究的第一步,选题。因此选A项。
  18.D  文章第三段共四句话,分别表述的是,选完题后要开始解决问题,从易到难,有耐心,“what you need most is patience(你最需要的是耐心)”,最后一句表示,很少有人认识到做新事情的困难。因此本段讲述的是给研究的问题找解决方法。因此选D项。
  19.E  文章第四段共五句话。第一句为主题句,“Maybe one of the reasons people are so easily discouraged is because of their education(或许人们轻易感到失败的原因之一是他们的受到的教育)”,之后通过学校的例子说明,在学校只要是一次不及格就会被退学。最后文章通过“However”转折,表示研究工作99.9%会失败,我们要在失败中吸取教训,不要被吓倒。因此该段讲述的是鼓励人们不要被研究过程中的失败吓倒,因此选E项。
  20.F  根据文章第一段中的“The popular belief seems to be that…every research requires expensive scientific equipment”可知,人们普遍认为所有研究都需要昂贵的科学仪器,因此此处填expensive scientific equipment,选F项。
  21.B  根据文章第二段中的“in selecting the problem, you need to be sure that it is worth the effort”可知,在选题时,要确保所选题目值得研究。因此选B项。
  22.E  根据文章第二段最后一句话“it takes as much effort to solve a useless problem as a useful one”可知,研究无用的课题与研究有用的课题一样难,所以还不如研究有用的课题。因此选E项。
  23.G  根据文章第三段中的“In the solution of the remaining difficulties, you may need some simple equipment…”可知,在解决剩下的困难时,可能需要用到简单的设备,因此选G项。
  24.C  根据文章第三段最后一句“Few people realize how hard it is to do anything new”可知,很少有人意识到做新鲜事是很困难的。因此选C项。
  25.A  根据文章最后一段可知,研究的失败率是99.9%,因此可知,研究中的失败经常发生。因此选A项。
Many Ways of Life  All over the world, people do many of the same things necessary in order to live, yet in different ways.
  Along the Amazon River, people live in river houses.Many South American Indians live in grass huts, and Eskimos may live in snow houses.You may be living in an apartment building several stories high. 26
  People live in different places, and they eat different foods. 27   For instance, sea spiders  (蜘蛛) are caught for food in Japan.You may have eaten a sea spider, too,in the form of a seafood cold dish.In the United States, you may buy your lunch from a hodivog stand. 28   But there, a native seller may sell you a hodivog that is actually a piece of dog meat.
    29   Yet the Indians there have found a way to take the poison out from the plant and use the plant to make flour.From the flour, they make the bread, which is the major food all over South America.
  Much of the food you eat probably comes from your local supermarket. 30   But an Indonesian on the island of Bali may wait much longer for a meal.There, a sticky (粘性的) liquid is spread on the end of a long pole.Then it is held up in the air until dragonflies (蜻蜓) come along and are stuck in the sticky liquid.In this way, a meal is done.
答案: 【文章导读】本篇文章讲的是在不同的地方居住,吃的东西也不同,作者列举在日本和美国的吃的东西的不同,还有印度和印度尼西亚不同食物。
  26.F  文章第二段主要讲述的是不同的人住在不同的房子里。由空格上一句“You may be living in an apartment building several stories high(你可能住在好几层楼高的公寓里)”可知,F项“Or you may live in a house(或者也可能住在别墅里)”符合逻辑。因此选F项。
  27.B  此空前一句为“People live in different places, and they eat different foods(人们住的地方不同,吃的食物也不同)”。此空后一句开始举例,日本吃海里的蜘蛛,你也可能吃过海鲜冷盘里的海洋蜘蛛。与上文意思相反。因此B项“Yet sometimes, they may eat the same food”表示转折,符合逻辑,因此选B项。
  28.E  根据上一题的解析可知,此处讲述的是与前一个例子同样的食物“hotdog”,E项“苏门答腊岛也有热狗摊”符合逻辑,因此选E项。
  29.C  空格处的后文讲述的是印度人找到方法,“to take the poison out from the plant(可以将毒素从该植物中提取出来)”,由此可以推测,空格处要填入的是关于该植物的信息。C项“在南美洲,有一种毒性非常强的植物”符合逻辑,因此选C项。
  30.A  空格处的前一句话讲的是,你所吃的食物大多数都是从超市买的。空格处后文由But表示转折,“But an Indonesian…may wait longer for a meal(但是印度尼西亚人……却要为吃上一顿饭等很久)”,由此可以推测,空格处是与之相反的内容。A项“很多超市买来的食物只需要加热一下就可以吃了”符合逻辑,因此选A项。
A Lucky Coin  A 1943 US penny made at the Denver Mint (铸币厂) has sold for $1.7 million.That single coin is thought to be the  31   copper (铜) coin made in Denver that year.
  Pennies were made of steel in 1943 because copper was in  32   supply for use in equipment to help  33   World War II.That was the only year that Lincoln pennies were not   34   of copper.
  A  35   coin collector was eager to pay the huge sum for the coin because it was one of a kind.And that collector  36   had a 1943 copper penny from each of the other two US Mints.
  You might be surprised to  37   what some of your own coins are  38  .The more scarce any collectible (可收藏的) item is, the higher the  39   tends to be.It is possible that you might have a small  40   sitting in your pocket right now!
答案: 【文章导读】本篇文章主要讲述的是在二战时铜供不应求,所以有一年的硬币是用铁制的,而一位富人花大价钱想要收藏这种硬币。告诉人们收藏物品越是稀有,它的价值越高。
  31.E  句意:这一枚硬币被认为是当年在丹佛铸币厂制作出的唯一一枚铜币。空格处填入形容词修饰copper。根据空格处的上一句可知,那年的一个美国硬币售价170万美元,由此推测,这么贵的硬币,是铸币厂当年生产的唯一的一个铜币。only表示“唯一的”,因此选E项。
  32.B  句意:在1943年,硬币都是由钢铁制作的,因为铜供不应求,都被用来制作二战中使用的设备。由空格处的上文可知,硬币都是用钢铁制造的,而不是用铜,因为铜短缺。be in short supply表示“短缺”,因此选B项。
  33.J  结合上一题的解析,铜之所以短缺,是因为大量的铜都被用来制作二战期间所使用的设备。空格处填入动词原形,因此选J项。
  34.H  句意:只有这一年,林肯硬币不是用铜制作的。be made of表示“由……制作”,符合句意,因此选H项。
  35.A  句意:一位富有的硬币收藏家非常想要花大笔钱得到这枚独一无二的硬币。空格处填入形容词修饰coin collector。wealthy表示“富有的”,符合句意,因此选A项。
  36.F  句意:那位收藏家已经拥有了美国另外两家铸币厂在1943年生产的铜币。此处填already符合句意,因此选F项。
  37.C  句意:你可能会很惊讶地发现,自己制作的硬币有什么价值。空格处填入动词原形。learn表示“知道,发现”,符合句意,因此选C项。
  38.L  空格处填入形容词,结合上一题的解析以及上下文,并结合可参考的选择,worth表示“值钱的”,符合句意,因此选L项。
  39.G  句意:任何可收藏物品越是稀有,它的价值越高。根据上文的内容,可以推测,空格处填入与“价值”相关的名词。因此price合适,选G项。
  40.K  句意:现在你的口袋里可能就躺着一笔小小的财富。全文讲述的是一枚价值连城的稀有的硬币,硬币人人都可能有,但最稀有最贵重的有可能就在你口袋里。空格处填入名词。fortune表示“财富”,符合句意,因此选K项。
Can Dogs See Colors?  Man’s best friend is colorblind (色盲).Fortunately (fortunate), his  41   (survive) does not depend upon the ability to see colors.The  42   (sharp) of his sense of smell makes up for his  43   (fail) to see colors.It helps him to tell between things.
  44   (study) support the conclusion that dogs live in a  45   (color) world.The testing done primarily  46   (focus) on the dogs’ responses to colors for food.Dogs could not tell the  47   (differ) between one color signal for food, and other colors that were not for food.
Most animals’ lack of ability to see colors can be  48   (easy) understood.Many colorblind animals hunt for food in the dark of night.Their other senses have highly  49   (develop).Thus their lack of color vision does not affect them.
Other animals with color vision are  50   (monkey) and apes (猿).Both can be divained to open a colored door, behind which is food.
答案: 41)survival  survive表示“生存”。句意:幸运的是,他的生存不用依靠看得见色彩的能力。空格处应填入名词,因此用survive的名词形式survival。
42)sharpness  sharp表示“灵敏的”。句意:狗嗅觉的灵敏弥补了他不能分辨色彩的缺陷。空格处填入名词,因此用sharp的名词形式sharpness。
43)failure/failing  fail表示“失败,不足,衰退”。根据上一题的解析可知,此处填名词,因此用fail的名词形式failure/failing。
44)Studies  study表示“学习,研究”。句意:研究得出的结论是,狗生活在没有颜色的世界里。空格处填名词,且因谓语动词support是复数形式,因此用study的复数名词且首字母大写的形式Studies。
45)colorless  空格处填入形容词修饰world。根据上文可知,狗是看不见颜色的,所以在狗的世界里,所有事物都是没有颜色的。因此用color的形容词形式colorless。
46)focused  focus作动词表示“集中于,关注”。句意:试验主要集中在通过颜色来看狗对食物的反应。根据后文中“Dogs could not…that were…”的could和were可知,此实验是过去做的,用一般过去时,因此用focus的过去时态focused。
47)difference  differ表示“不一致,不同”。句意:狗不能分辨有食物的一种颜色信号和没有食物的另外颜色信号之间的差异。空格处填名词。因此用differ的名词形式difference。
48)easily  句意:大多数动物缺乏看见颜色的能力,这都是很容易理解的。空格处填副词修饰动词understand,因此用easy的副词形式easily。)
49)developed  develop表示“发展;发育”。句意:他们的其他感官都高度进化了。此句是现在完成时,表示“已经”进化了。因此用develop的过去时态developed。)
50)monkeys  句意:其他可以看见颜色的动物是猴和猿。此处用名词复数形式。因此填monkeys。
• 出游地点、时间和交通方式;
• 选择这一目的地的理由
• 旅行的感想或收获。
  请以Li Ke署名。
答案: Dear Tom,
How are you these days? I’ve just came back from a meaningful trip to Yunnan province.I’d love to share with you about it.
Last month, a friend and I started our trip to Yunnan by train.The place we were going to travel was a countryside school in a small mountainous area.The reason why we chose that was that both of us had heard about the lack of experienced teachers for children there.We hoped we could do our part to help them.
After the trip, I realized that education can really change something.Children should catch every opportunity to get educated.And I also decide that I will go there once again.
Hope for your reply.
Yours,Li Ke  【范文点评】
meaningful 有意义的
education 教育
lack of 缺少……
catch opportunity to do sth.抓住机会干某事
二、第一部分——阅读选择 (每题2分,共10分)
Away from Home  Cristobal Martin was born in Granada, Spain, 38 years ago.“Granada is the most beautiful city in the world,” says Mr.Martin.“Its sun is warm and its air is clear.” Today, Mr.Martin works in Germany, where the weather is often cold and rainy.But in Germany, he works in a factory and makes a much better pay.“In Granada, there is very little indusdivy.I was only a farm worker.When the German company came and offered me a job, I took it right away.” Mr.Marlin works in a chemical factory.He works from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.From 10:00 pm to 1:00 am, he has another job cleaning out the office of a doctor in his neighborhood.
Mr.Martin does not speak much German.“I wish I had time to go to school and learn more.It would be easier to live here.I have sat with the same men at lunch every day for four years, and we never talk to each other.They think of me as a ‘foreigner’,” he says.
After work, Mr.Martin rides home on the bicycle he brought with him from Spain.“I live in a small room that I don’t like very much.But I know that a better room is not why I came to Germany.” Mr.Martin hopes that in two years he will have enough money to return home.“I want to open up a small shop, find a wife, and have a satisfactory life for me and my family.”
Mr.Martin lives in a neighborhood with Italians and Spanish people.“We think alike,” he says, “and we don’t mind the noise of the wives and children that the Germans complain about.I am thankful for the jobs Germany has given me.But Germany is not the proper place for me.It is not my home.”
(1).The weather in Granada is cold and rainy.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 【文章导读】本篇文章主要讲述Granada作为一个异乡人在德国生活,他在工厂工作,希望在这里自己有一个家庭。但是他觉得德国不适合他,因为这里不是他的家乡。
  根据文章第一段中对Granada的描述“Granada is the most beautiful city…Its sun is warm and its air is clear”可知,这座城市阳光明媚,空气清新。题干表述与文章意思不符,因此选B项。
(2).Mr.Marlin went to Germany after finishing high school.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 根据文章第一段中的“When the German company came and offered me a job, I took it right away”可知,当德国公司给Martin先生这份工作时,他立马就接受了。文中并没有说他结束高中的学习才去的德国。题干表述文中并没有提到,因此选C项。
(3).Mr.Martin now earns more money than before.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据文章第一段中的“But in Germany, he works in a factory and makes a much better pay”可知,他现在在德国一家工厂上班,薪酬要比以前高。题干表述与文章意思相符,因此选A项。
(4).Mr.Martin works in a chemical factory at night.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据文章第一段中的“Mr.Martin works in a chemical factory.He works from 7:00 am.to 4:00 pm.from 10:00 pm.to 1:00 am…”可知,Martin先生在一家化工厂上班,时间从早上七点到下午四点,然后是晚上十点到第二天凌晨一点。并不只是晚上上班。题干表述与文章意思不符,因此选B项。
(5).Mr.Martin speaks little German.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据文章第二段第一句话“Mr.Martin does not speak much German”可知,Martin先生不能说很多德语,只会说一点。题干表述与文章意思一致,因此选A项。
(6).Mr.Martin rides home from work on a bike he bought in Germany.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据文章第三段中的“After work, Mr.Martin rides home on the bicycle he brought with him from Spain”可知,Martin的自行车是自己从西班牙带过来的。题干表述与文章不符,因此选B项。
(7).Mr.Martin does not enjoy his small room.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据文章第三段中的“I live in a small room that I don’t like very much”可知,他住在一个小房间里,他不是很喜欢。题干表述与文章意思相符,因此选A项。
(8).Mr.Martin wants to return home in two years.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 根据文章第三段中的“Mr.Martin hopes that in two years he will have enough money to return home”可知,Martin想在两年内挣到足够的钱后回家。题干表述与文章意思相符,因此选A项。
(9).Mr.Marlin lives in a place with many German neighbors.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 根据文章最后一段第一句话“Mr.Martin lives in a neighborhood with Italians and Spanish people”可知,Martin住在都是意大利人和西班牙人的社区。题干表述与文章意思不符,因此选B项。
(10).German workers feel Germany is the proper place for foreigners.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 全文并没有提到题干中描述的“德国人认为德国是适合外国人的地方”。因此选C项。
Mysteries of the Sea  The sea is the largest unknown part of our world.Much of this vast blanket of water is still to be discovered.
Luckily, no single nation has to learn all about the ocean by itself.The world sea is owned by no one; it surrounds the earth and belongs to us all.Scientists in many different coundivies are working to explain its mysteries.
Some are studying ways of bringing the ocean’s huge supply of water to the deserts of the world.Others are studying the ways in which sound divavels and is affected by water and heat.What happens when sea water touches different elements (元素)is another subject of study.These are just a few of the questions which ocean scientists are working on.
One of the most interesting projects in oceanography (海洋学)is the work of mapping the ocean floor.Only a very small part of it has been mapped.This was not important when only surface ships sailed the world’s oceans, but it can mean the difference between life and death to men in ships going underwater.
Long ago there was only one way to find out how deep the ocean was.A seaman would throw a heavy rope over the side of his ship.Then he pulled the rope up after it had reached the bottom.But this was not a very accurate way of measuring.
In the 20th century, a better way was found.Sound was used to measure the ocean.An American Navy ship sailed into a narrow area of water to do an experiment.Seamen dropped some equipment that would produce a loud noise when it hit the bottom.And a little insdivument measured the time it took for the sound to reach the ship.This has helped scientists map the ocean floor.
(1).Our knowledge about the sea is______.
答案: B
解析: 【文章导读】本篇文章主要讲述的是有很多人在研究海洋的不同方面的秘密,其中最有趣的是绘制海地图,有人用绳子量,现在用声呐测量它有多深。
  推理判断题。根据文章第一段“The sea is the largest unknown part of our world.Much of this vast blanket of water is still to be discovered”可知,关于海洋的许多还有待人类去发现,由此推断,人类对于海洋的认识是有限的。因此选B项。
(2).The third paragraph is mainly about______.
A.the elements in the sea
B.the weather on the sea
C.the studies of the sea
D.the sound under the sea
答案: C
解析: 主旨大意题。文章第三段前三句话分别表述的是人们对海洋三个方面的研究,最后一句总结此段,即这些只是科学家们对海洋研究的一小部分问题。因此选C项。
(3).Ocean scientists are interested in______.
A.drawing maps of the sea floor
B.building underwater ships
C.sailing the world’s oceans
D.saving lives in the ocean
答案: A
解析: 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段第一句话“One of the most interesting projects in oceanography is the work of mapping the ocean floor”可知,科学家们最感兴趣的课题之一是绘制海底地形图。因此选A项。
(4).Before the 20th century, the measuring of the depth of the sea was______.
答案: A
解析: 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“Long ago there…But this was not a very accurate way of measuring”可知,很久之前的测量方法不是很准确。inaccurate表示“不准确的”,因此选A项。
(5).The American Navy experiment measured the ocean with______.
答案: D
解析: 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“An American Navy ship sailed…that would produce a loud noise…measured the time it took for the sound to reach the ship”可知,美国海军舰艇通过声音返回到船的时间来测量海底深度。因此选D项。