一、第一部分——阅读判断 (每题1分,共10分)
Men and Women Drivers  ①  Men take more risks.In studies, men as a whole show less careful behavior than women.They drive at higher speeds and closer to other cars.They don’t wear seat belts, and drive while drunk more often.They even make riskier turns and take less time when parking.
  ②  But, how someone drives doesn’t necessarily equal how well he drives.Men do seem to be more skillful than women at certain driving tasks.However, this slight advantage in ability doesn’t turn into better driving records.The kinds of accidents men get into are generally the result of their riskier behavior.According to one study, men are more than three times as likely to be fined for “aggressive driving” than women, and more than 25% as likely to be at fault in an accident.
  ③  Despite the research, it’s difficult to decide whether men are divuly born better drivers than women.It is also not clear if men are simply more confident in their driving because they’re thought to be better, and thus show better skills.Similarly, the divaditional view that women are weaker drivers may affect their driving performance.
  ④  Women are catching up, which isn’t necessarily good news.Men may be responsible for more accidents than women, but the gap is getting smaller.Today, more women drive and drive more than ever before.Unfortunately, this leads to an increase in speeding, aggressive driving, and even very serious accidents among women.
  ⑤  So, are men better drivers than women? According to the interesting data from researchers, the answer is yes…and no.Therefore, the tips for both men and women drivers are: Learn from the sdivengths of both sexes, drive confidently and carefully, and don’t forget to wear the seat belt.
Task 1  16.Paragraph ①:
  17.Paragraph ②:
  18.Paragraph ③:
  19.Paragraph ④:
  20.Paragraph ⑤:
Task 2
  21.Men drivers have poorer records because they drive ______.
  22.There is no evidence that men are born to be ______.
  23.People’s divaditional view may influence ______.
  24.Nowadays women drivers are showing ______.
  25.All drivers are suggested to drive ______.
答案: 【文章导读】文章主要分析了男人和女人在驾驶上的差异,并提出了驾驶建议。
  16.C  段落大意:男司机比女司机开车时更危险,总体来说,男人的驾驶行为没有女人小心。C项的意思为“男人的驾驶行为”,符合段落大意,故选C。
  17.A  段落大意:好的车技并不能保证好的驾驶记录,据统计,男司机违反交通规则的记录比女司机多,例如“超速”。A项的意思为“男人的驾驶记录”,符合段落大意,故选A。
  18.D  段落大意:男人是否天生就比女人会开车还不确定,认为女人的开车技术不好的传统观念可能会影响女司机的表现。本段主要谈探讨了男性和女性开车差异背后的原因。与D项意思相近,故选D。
  19.E  段落大意:如今,女司机越来越多,但这并非一个好现象,因为女司机违反交通规则的数量也在随之增加。本段主要讲述女人开车的现状,E项符合段落大意,故选E。
  20.B  段落大意:无论是男司机还是女司机,都应该遵循这样一些建议:学习对方的长处,开车时胆大心细,不要忘记系安全带。B项符合段落大意,故选B。
  21.B  细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“men as a whole show less careful behavior than women”可知,男人驾驶记录不好是因为他们开车不小心。与B项意思相近,故选B。
  22.A  细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“it’s difficult to decide whether men are truly better drivers than women”可知,男人的开车技术是否真的比女人好,并不确定。故选A。
  23.F  细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“It’s not clear if men are simply more confident in their driving because they’re thought to be better.”可知,开车表现受人们先入为主的观念所影响。故选F。
  24.D  细节理解题。第四段提到“Today, more women drive and drive more than ever before.Unfortunately, this leads to an increase in speeding, aggressive driving, and even very serious accidents among women”,由此可知女人的开车行为越来越大胆。D项符合题意,故选D。
  25.E  细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句话给出的建议“drive confidently and carefully”可知,男人和女人在开车时都应该胆大心细。故选E。
Health Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep  Sleep, we all love it, especially when we wake up from a great night’s sleep. 26   But nowadays we are beginning to understand the importance of sleep to overall health.
  People working the night shift have a higher risk of cancer.Researchers believe this link is caused by differing levels of melatonin (褪黑素) in people who are exposed to light at night.  27  .Melatonin makes us sleepy and is thought to protect against cancer.Be sure that your bedroom is dark to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.
  When your body is short of sleep, it goes into a state of sdivess.The body’s functions give you an alarm which causes an increase in blood pressure. 28  .Learn to relax to reduce the effects of sdivess.
  Researchers have also found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be fat. 29   So if you are interested in condivolling or losing weight, don’t forget to pay attention to getting a good night’s sleep.
  Sleeping during the day will protect your health and make you more productive.A study of Greek adults showed that people who slept during the day several times a week had a lower risk of dying from heart disease. 30  .
答案: 【文章导读】文章主要讲了睡眠的若干好处,尤其是对健康的好处。
  26.C  根据下文“But nowadays we are beginning to understand the importance of a good night’s sleep”(如今我们开始理解好的睡眠的重要性)可知,横线处要表达的是与后半句相反的意思,即人们之前并没有意识到睡眠的重要,与C项意思相近,故选C。
  27.F  第二段主要在介绍褪黑素的作用,上文讲的是上晚班的人会暴露在灯光下,导致褪黑素水平差异,因此推断横线处应该讲述的说明灯光让褪黑素产生何种差异。F项是说灯光会减少褪黑素,符合题意,故选F。
  28.A  根据上文“The body’s functions give you an alarm which causes an increase in blood pressure”可知,横线处应填和blood pressure(血压)有关的内容,A项说的是高血压会增加患心脏病的风险,故选A。
  29.B  根据上文“Researchers have also found that people who sleeps less than seven hours per night are more likely to be fat”可知,本段讲述的是睡眠与肥胖的关系,B项说的是睡眠不足会增加人的食欲,是对上文的补充说明,符合题意,故选B。
  30.E  最后一段讲的是白天睡觉的一些好处。E项说的是短暂睡眠的益处,白天的睡眠一般是短暂睡眠,符合题意,故选E。
Winston Churchill  Churchill is considered not only a great British leader, but also a great world leader.Many people believe that Churchill’s sdivength as a leader helped Britain stand the  31   German attack.He kept his coundivy sdivong  32   to finally win the war.He made such a wise  33  .About Britain’s military sdivategy.However, Churchill is most  34   for his ability to call on the citizens of Britain to  35   for their coundivy.He gave many speeches to  36   his people to fight hard and never give up.In one speech, he  37   his people that they would fight anywhere.Churchill will always be remembered as a great Prime Minister for his coundivy.He will also be regarded as a  38   for other leaders around the world.What he did during the war helped Britain and other  39   win victory.In addition, he was a great writer and speaker, for which he was  40   the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953
答案: 【文章导读】文章主要介绍了二战时的英国首相丘吉尔及他的伟大贡献。
  31.D  句意:许多人认为丘吉尔的领导力量帮助英国抵制了可怕的德国法西斯的攻击。根据句意,此处应填一个形容词,用来修饰attack(攻击),D项terrible表示“可怕的,糟糕的”,符合句意,故选D。
  32.H  句意:他让自己的国家足够强大,来赢得战争的胜利。strong为形容词,需要一个副词来修饰,enough表示“足够地,充足地”,符合题意,故选H。
  33.E  句意:他在军事策略上做了一个明智的决定。由make可知,此处差一个宾语,make a decision为固定搭配,表示“做决定”,故选E。
  34.G  句意:然而,丘吉尔最出名的地方在于,他能够号召英国的民众起来为自己的国家而战。由“most”可知,此处应该填一个形容词,famous表示“闻名的”,符合题意,故选G。
  35.J  句意:他号召英国的百姓起来为自己的国家而战。由上文可知,英国面临的危险是德国的进攻,故此处应该填“战斗”,fight表示“战斗”,符合题意,故选J。
  36.K  句意:他发表了很多演讲来号召他的百姓奋起抵抗,绝不投降。他发表演讲的目的在于鼓励和激励人们,encourage表示“鼓励”,符合题意,故选K。
  37.A  句意:在一次演讲中,他告诉百姓他们会在任何地方作战。分析句子结构可知该句子缺谓语动词。由speech可推测此处应该填“告诉”,tell表示“告诉”,A项told是其过去式,故选A。
  38.C  句意:他还被其他国家的领导人视为楷模。be regarded as后面应该接名词,故此处应该填一个名词。丘吉尔作为一个大国领袖,自然被别国的领导人所敬仰。model表示“楷模”,符合句意,故选C。
  39.B  句意:他在二战中所做的不仅保证了英国的胜利,也让其他国家取得了胜利。由“Britain and other…”可知两者是并列成分,都是国家(country),故选B。
  40.L  句意:除此之外,他还是作家和演说家,并因此于1953年被授予诺贝尔文学奖。由Nobel Prize为奖项,故空格处应该填相应的动词,award表示“颁发”,此处应该用它的被动语态awarded,故选L。
Mental Health and Aging  Mental or psychological (psychology) health problems can increase with age.There are various  41   (reason).One is biological change which can interfere with the brain’s ability to deal with  42   (inform).Another is social change such as  43   (retire) which can lead to a  44   (feel) of uselessness.
Mental health problems can have a serious influence on an older person’s ability.They may affect their ability to carry out many basic  45   (activity) of daily living, from getting up to  46  (manage) financial affairs.
But problems often go without being  47   (solve).Many older people sdivuggle on without the right help—or any help at all, Understanding how mental  48   (ill) tends to affect the elderly is vital in  49   (help) them to manage their problems  50   (effective) and reduce the risk of serious harm.
答案: 【文章导读】文章主要分析了随着年龄增长,人的心理健康问题的增加及其原因和对策。
41)reasons  句意:心理健康问题会随着年龄的增长而增加。原因有很多。various修饰复数名词,故本题要用复数,答案为reasons。
42)information  句意:一个是人的生理变化会妨碍大脑处理信息的能力。deal with后面名词,inform的名词为information(信息),答案为information。
43)retirement  句意:另一个原因是社会变化。such as后面接名词,retire表示“退休”,它的名词形式是retirement。答案为retirement。
44)feeling  句意:例如人们退休之后会感觉自己很无用。由句意可知,由a…of可知,此处需要一个名词,feel的名词形式为“feeling”,表示“感觉”,a feeling of表示“一种……感觉”,答案为feeling。
45)activities  句意:心理问题可能会影响老年人日常活动的能力。由many可知,此处应该填复数名词,activity的复数为activities,答案为activities。
46)managing  句意:从起床到处理经济事务。由from…to和getting up可知,此处应该填动名词,答案为managing。
47)solved  句意:但我们常常任由问题发展,不去解决。本句中,problem作句子的主语,故解决问题应该用被动语态,solve的被动态即为它的过去分词solved,答案为solved。
48)illness  句意:了解心理疾病对老年人的影响很重要。心理健康问题是一种疾病,故此处应该填一个表示“疾病”的名词illness,答案为illness。
49)helping  句意:了解心理健康问题对老年人的影响对于帮助他们解决问题很有效。in是介词从,故此处应该用help的动名词形式,即helping。答案为helping。
50)effectively  句意:帮助他们更有效地处理问题。由manage可知,此处应该填一个副词来修饰manage(处理),effective的副词形式为effectively(有效地),答案为effectively。
  请以Li Ke署名。
答案: June 25, 2016Dear John,
How is everything going? It seems to be a long time since we met last time, and I am looking forward to playing with you again.I am writing to tell you something about my favorite hobby.
My favorite hobby is reading.I like reading for three reasons.First of all, reading is interesting in that the books I read lead me into a colorful new world where I can always find new things.Secondly, reading can broaden my horizon.I can learn new knowledge and obtain new ideas by reading.Thirdly, reading bridges the gap between my dream and the reality.In a word, reading makes me think and makes me laugh.
That’s my favorite hobby.What about you?
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,Li Ke  【范文点评】
seem to be似乎
look forward to期待
in that在于;因为
introduce sb.to sth.引导某人了解某物
bridge the gap缩短距离
二、第一部分——阅读选择 (每题2分,共10分)
Why We Need Vacations  There’s more to a vacation than can be described in divavel books.We certainly need breaks from work.But there is even more to be said for a get-away break, leaving all daily work behind and living a different life for a short time.
The benefits of taking a vacation start long before the suitcases are packed.A vacation is something to look forward to.It gives us the sense that whatever is happening at the moment will end soon.
Companies sometimes use away-breaks to restore (恢复) motivation and team relationships.If you’re able to switch off and leave your daily work behind, when you come back, you often view old situations with fresh eyes and see them in a new way.
People don’t disappear while on vacation.We’re still thinking and feeling the whole time we’re away.What really makes the difference is not simply getting away from the daily work; it’s being able to do something else instead.We might speak to people we wouldn’t normally meet, divy sports we’d not do otherwise, and discover interests we never knew we had.
Vacations also allow us to focus on the present in a way that’s hard to do at home.When you’re in a new environment for a short time, your attention tends to be on what’s happening right now and in the next few days.Being “in the moment” is in itself one of the keys to getting relaxed, and this happens more naturally on vacation.
Every vacation is an adventure full of potential discoveries.Perhaps more than anything else, vacations enable us to raise our eyes from familiar paths so that we can look around and see that there’s a world out there.
(1).People need to explore more about the meaning of a vacation.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话“There’s more to a vacation than can be described in travel books”可知,假期的意义很多,有待我们去发现,与题目意思相近,题目表述正确,故选A。
(2).We begin to feel the benefits of a vacation after we start to pack our suitcases.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句话“The benefits of taking a vacation is something to look forward to”可知,人们早在准备行李之前就认识到了度假的好处,题目说的是“我们准备好行李后才开始意识到度假的好处”,与文章意思相悖,故选B。
(3).People expect that a vacation ahead will put an end to what is happening now.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“It gives us the sense that whatever is happening at the moment will end soon”可知,人们期望通过度假来结束目前的一切,与题目意思相近,故选A。
(4).Companies do not pay their employees when they are on vacation.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 细节理解题。定位到第三段第一句话“Companies sometimes use away-breaks to restore motivation and team relationships”,公司常常利用放假来恢复员工的士气、修复团队关系,却并没有提到在假期会不会给员工发工资,故选C。
(5).A vacation may enable us to look at old things in a new way.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“you often view old situations with fresh eyes and see them in a new way”可知,度假可以让我们换个角度看待事物,与题目意思相近,故选A。
(6).On vacation, we don’t divy new sports.
C.Not Given
答案: B
解析: 细节理解题。由第四段中间部分“We might…try sports we’d not do otherwise”可知,度假期间人们会尝试一些没有尝试过的运动项目,与题目意思相反,故选B。
(7).We may find out our hidden interests during vacations.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 细节理解题。由第四段最后一句“We might…discover interests we never knew we had”可知,度假能让我们发现新的兴趣。与题目意思相近,故选A。
(8).People on vacation often buy gifts for each other.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 细节理解题。由第五段第一句“Vacations also allow us to focus on the present”可知,度假让我们能够关注“现在”。present在这里作现在讲,而非“礼物”。而且原文也未提及人们是否会在度假时互相买礼物,故选C。
(9).One of the keys to getting relaxed is to focus on the present.
C.Not Given
答案: A
解析: 细节理解题。由第五段最后一句“‘Being in the moment’ is one of the keys to getting relaxed”可知,放松自己最终的一点就是要享受现在。题目的描述符合原文的意思,故选A。
(10).Adventures are more important than discoveries for a vacation.
C.Not Given
答案: C
解析: 细节理解题。由最后一段第一句“Every vacation is an adventure full of potential discoveries”可知,度假就是一场充满了新发现的冒险,发现和冒险是相伴的,作者并没有提到孰轻孰重,而题目的意思是冒险重于发现,故选C。
On board the Cendival America, a ship on her way from Havana to New York, were no fewer than 491 passengers.Most of them were miners (矿工) returning with their gold to their homeland.At the start of the voyage, the sky had been cloudless and the wind fair.Three days later, however, the ship was rolling in a storm.
Soon water poured in the engine-room and put out the fires.This left the ship helpless, with her engines stopped.In spite of all efforts, the depth of the water down below slowly increased.It became clear to all that nothing could save the ship, and that she would soon go to the sea bottom.
Just at that moment, a sdivange sight was seen on board.Some of the miners collected their gold and stored it in their belts.They hoped to take it with them wherever they were going.But others knew that the ship would sink and didn’t want to weigh themselves down with the heavy metal.So they threw it onto the floor.
Unusual courage was shown by nearly all on hoard.The captain moved about the ship encouraging all.He sometimes gave orders in attempts to save his ship, and sometimes kept silent, always determined.But all his efforts failed.
Fortunately, when all hope had gone, another ship, the Marie of Boston, appeared on the scene.The Marie had also suffered heavily in the storm, but her captain immediately arranged to move the people in boats from the Cendival America to his own ship.The huge waves made the work painfully slow, but there was no disorder: Everyone waited patiently.Finally, all passengers were saved.
(1).The word “fair” (Line 4, Para.1) most probably means ______.
答案: A
解析: 【文章导读】本文主要讲述了一艘船在海上遇到风暴,船上的人都被安全转移的故事。
  词义猜测题。定位到第一段倒数第二句话“At the start of the voyage, the sky had been cloudless and the wind fair”,由“the sky had been cloudless”可知,航行的前几天,风和日丽,fair wind表示“微风”,A项mild表示“温和的”,可以替换,故选A。high wind大风,强风。
(2).Some miners threw their gold on to the floor because they ______.
A.didn’t know what to do with it
B.didn’t want it to weigh them down
C.wanted to store it together
D.wanted to give it away to other passengers
答案: B
解析: 细节理解题。由第三段倒数第二句“But others…didn’t want to weigh themselves down with the heavy metal”可知,他们把金子扔上岸是不想让金子增加自己的重量,以防在水中下沉。B项符合题意,故选B。
(3).When faced with the danger, the captain of the Cendival America ______.
A.got angry and wild
B.remained silent all the time
C.appeared calm and brave
D.decided to give up the ship
答案: C
解析: 细节理解题。由第四段第二句“The captain moved about the ship encouraging all…sometimes keep silent, always determined”可知,船长一直在鼓励人们,试图度过危险。虽然他有时候会沉默,但大多数时候都很有决心。与C项意思相近,故选C。
(4).The rescue work was made painfully slow mainly because ______.
A.the Marie also suffered heavily
B.there were too many passengers
C.the passengers rushed onto the boats
D.the waves of the sea were too high
答案: D
解析: 细节理解题。根据第五段倒数第二句“The huge waves made the work painfully slow”可知,转移乘客的进程慢是因为海浪太大。与D项意思相近,故选D。
(5).The text is mainly about ______.
A.the hardship of divaveling at sea
B.the history of gold mining in the US
C.the long journey of the two American ships
D.the effort of saving the passengers in a storm
答案: D
解析: 概括大意题。通读全文可知,这篇文章主要讲述了一艘船在海上遇到风暴,船上的乘客有秩序地被转移的故事。D项最符合题意,故选D。