一、Part Ⅰ (略) (30 marks(Listening Comprehension))
1.There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are five choices marked A, B, C, D and E.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the cendive.
 _____united effort is needed if the problem of the “underground economy” is to be resolved.
A.There is a
B.It is a
C.Because a
答案: E
解析: 句意:要想解决“地下经济”问题,需要联合努力。前一句为主句,且已经有动词be,故排除A、B、C。united [jʊ’naɪtɪd]第一个音并非元音,故排除D。正确答案为E。
2.The president knows that he will not be elected again because he has _____ too many of his promises.
A.given up
B.gone back on
C.come up with
D.put on
E.pulled out
答案: B
解析: 句意:总统知道他因为背弃了太多的诺言,不会再次当选。go back on背离(诺言、协议等)。give up放弃。come up with提出;想出。put on穿戴;涂抹(化妆品);举办(演出、展览);提供(服务)。pull out从……退出;撤离。根据句意可知,正确答案为B。
3.Most palm divees have slender, unbranching divunks with a _____ of leaves at the top.
答案: A
解析: 句意:大多数棕榈树的树干纤细而不分枝,顶部有一束叶子。bunch束;串。flock一群(鸟或羊等)。series一连串;一系列。herd畜群。pack盒;包。所以正确答案为A。
4.Geologists use artificial earth shocks _____ the kind of rock in which pedivoleum accumulates.
A.for the sake of
B.due to
C.in search of
D.to look forward to
E.to stand for
答案: C
解析: 句意:地质学家利用人工地震寻找石油聚集的岩石。in search of寻找;搜寻。for the sake of为了;为了……的利益。due to因为。look forward to盼望;期待。stand for代表;支持;象征。结合句意,正确答案为C。
5.The coach driver looked _____ the engine carefully, _____ it should go wrong on the way.
A.down; before
B.up; otherwise
C.over; lest
D.to; in case
E.through; unless
答案: C
解析: 句意:长途汽车司机仔细地检查了发动机,以免它在路上出毛病。look over检查。look down俯视;向下看;用目光慑服某人;看跌。look up查阅;拜访。look to指望;展望。look through逐一查看;阅读。lest以防。before在……之前。otherwise否则。in case万一;假使。unless除非。结合句意,正确答案为C。
6.The most logical step to relieve the housewife of routine is to provide a robot which can be divained to meet the _____ of a particular home.
答案: E
解析: 句意:减轻家庭主妇日常工作负担的最合乎逻辑的方法,是提供一种可以通过训练满足特定家庭需求的机器人。requirement需要。acceptance接受;承认。administration行政工作;管理工作;监管。assignment任务;作业。discipline纪律。结合句意,正确答案为E。
7._____ there must be a good reason for her absence, as she is such an active participant.
答案: C
解析: 句意:想必,她这次缺席一定有充分的理由,因为她是一个非常积极的参与者。presumably很可能;大抵,想必。formally正式地。necessarily必要地。unfortunately不幸地。usually通常地。结合句意,正确答案为C。
8.My mother has always had a tendency to _____ the importance of minor problems.
答案: B
解析: 句意:我母亲总是夸大小问题的重要性。exaggerate夸大。raise增加;提高(水平)。heighten加剧。multiply使大大增加;大大增加。uplift使(精神、地位)提升。结合句意,正确答案为B。
9.They picked up four boat-loads of refugees, _____ had been at sea for two weeks.
A.some of who
B.some of which
C.some of these
D.some of whom
E.some of those
答案: D
解析: 句意:他们救了四艘满载难民的船只,其中一些已经在海上航行了两周。此处是非限定性定语从句,先行词指这些难民,而which不能指人,故排除。再加上在介词of后,故选择whom。正确答案为D。
10.Having never been to the United Kingdom before, Catherine was initially confused _____ the value of each coin.
B.as of
C.as to
D.as with
答案: C
解析: 句意:凯瑟琳以前从未去过英国,一开始她对每一枚硬币的面值都感到困惑。as to至于,关于。结合句意,正确答案为C。
11.Before I agree _____ your suggestion, I’d like to know what I’ m _____ myself in for.
A.on; getting
B.to; letting
C.about; putting
D.with; setting
E./; making
答案: B
解析: 句意:在我同意你的建议之前,我想知道我为什么该加入。agree to sth.是固定搭配,意为“接受;同意”。结合句意,正确答案为B。
12.Since they had stopped serving meals, we had to _____ ourselves with sandwiches and coffee.
答案: A
解析: 句意:因为他们不再供应食物,我们只好吃三明治和咖啡填饱肚子。content sth.with sth.是固定搭配,意为“满足;满意;知足”。appeal呼吁;申诉。appreciate欣赏;理解。settle解决(纠纷、问题等)。withdraw移开;拿走;撤退。结合句意,A选项符合句意。
13._____ended divaffic on the Mississippi River, Mark Twain left his job as a river pilot and moved west to Carson City.
A.As the Civil War was
B.Because the Civil War was
C.During the Civil War
D.Now that the Civil War was
E.When the Civil War
答案: E
解析: 句意:美国内战使得密西西比河上交通中断,马克·吐温辞去了在密西西比河上领航员的工作,向西搬到了卡森市。因为the Civil War和end是主动关系,故排除A、B、D。介词during后只能加名词短语,故C错误。根据句意可知,E选项符合句意。故正确答案为E。
14.—I’d better go on a diet.
—What makes you think so? I think _____.
A.you look pale
B.you need to take a rest
C.you should lose weight
D.you’re in good shape
E.you must go to see a doctor
答案: D
解析: 句意:——我最好节食。——你为什么这么想?我觉得你身材很好。根据回答者第一句“你为什么这么想”可推测,讲话人并不觉得对方需要节食,故正确答案为D。
15.—I hear many people like French food.How about you?
—Not me._____.
A.As far as I’m concerned, I don’t eat much.
B.As for me, I don’t eat out at all.
C.Considering my age, I shouldn’t eat a lot.
D.No matter what they say, I’ll have soft drinks only.
E.Speaking of food, I like Italian cuisine.
答案: E
解析: 句意:——我听说很多人喜欢法国菜。你呢?——不是我。说到食物,我喜欢意大利菜。根据对话可知,E选项最符合逻辑。故E为正确答案。
二、Part Ⅱ Vocabulary (15 marks)
1.Section A (5 marks)
Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet.
  China is well known as the hometown of tea.There is a legend about the origin of the tea custom.It is said that in the primitive society about 5,000 years ago, there was Shen Nong, a leader of a Cendival Plains divibe.He invented ploughs for farming and taught people to grow food.He was the first to discover herbal medicine and help people to heal wounds.Naturally, Shen Nong was also the first to discover tea.He found out that this plant was not only delicately scented, but also had the function of thirsty quenching, mind refreshing…This is just a legend, but it reflects the fact that Chinese people discovered and used tea thousands of years ago.
答案: 众所周知,中国是茶的故乡。关于饮茶习俗的起源,有一个传说。据说在距今5000多年前的原始社会,中原有位部落首领,被称为神农,他最早发明了犁,教人种庄稼。他最早发现了草药,帮人疗伤。当然,神农也是最早发现茶的人。他发现这种植物不仅味道清香,还能解渴提神……这虽只是个传说,但反映出中国人数千年前就发现并使用茶了。
解析: (1)句式结构:①第一句中,主语为China,谓语“be well known as”难以直接按照原句顺序翻译,可以单独成句。②第三句中同位语“a leader of a Central Plains tribe.”指代的就是前文的“Shen Nong”,可以调换语序,放在前面翻译。(2)翻译要点:①Central Plains中原。②grow food可翻译为“种庄稼”,更符合中文表达。③delicately scented,可翻译为“味道清香”。④thirsty quenching, mind refreshing可合译为“解渴提神”。适当使用四字词语可以增加译文的文采。
2.Section B (10 marks)
Translate the underlined sentences in following paragraph into English.Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet.
  77.达·芬奇(Da Vinci)痴迷于观察和探究自然现象,从人体比例到唇部肌肉运动原理,他无所不涉。(be obsessed with)他渴望去了解周遭一切事物,沉潜于细微之中。78.达·芬奇思考的问题,多数人十岁以后便不会试图寻求答案,比如,啄木鸟(woodpecker)的舌头是怎样工作的。(ponder over)
  为了探究世界,达·芬奇将实验与自己的观察融合了起来。79.虽未受过正规训练,他却偏好从实验中进行归纳(induce),而不是根据原理做出推演(deduce)。(rather than)他记录下观察结果,并从中寻找规律模式,然后再通过进一步的观察和实验来验证这些规律模式。
  80.在达·芬奇对发明飞行器这一念头痴迷不已之时,他便观察过鸟类在飞行中翅膀的动作并用素描(sketch)和笔记记录他的观察。(be fascinated with)他的观察比莱特兄弟试飞世界上首架飞机早了350年。
  达·芬奇对经验观察的重视,也有助于提升他的艺术创作。首先,他能把通过观察自然所获得的知识运用到油画和素描中。81.他对人体、动物、运动、阴影与光线、透视(perspective)与比例的研究,能帮助他更好地理解眼前所见之物。(better understand)进而以同代人难以企及的精准和细腻将其再现于艺术作品中。此外,达·芬奇还利用他对自然的观察在各种现象间建立起了联系。
答案: 77.Da Vinci was obsessed with observing and understanding natural phenomena, from the proportion of the human body to how the muscles of lips moved.
【分析】注意固定搭配be obsessed with doing sth.的用法。此处主要意思是“达·芬奇痴迷观察和探究自然现象”,故将其作为主句,剩下一句用介词连接,进一步解释。
78.The questions Da Vinci pondered over were what most people over the age of ten would not try to seek answers, for instance, how the tongue of a woodpecker works.
【分析】此句可以顺译,用for instance连接后面的例子。
79.Although he had not received formal training, he preferred to induce from experiments rather than from theoretical principles.
【分析】prefer to do sth.偏向于做某事,宁愿做某事。
80.When Da Vinci became fascinated with the idea that he could invent flying machines, he observed the wings of birds in motion and recorded his observations with sketches and notes.
【分析】in motion运动中地,不断运动地。
81.His studies of the body, animals, motion, shadow and light, perspective and proportion could help him better understand what he was seeing in front of him.
【分析】“眼前所见之物”可以用宾语从句翻译。“更好地理解”要用比较级“better understand”。
3.There are five IQ test questions in this part.Write the answers on the answer sheet.
 How old would a person born in 50 BC be on their birthday in 50 AD?
答案: 99.
解析: 题目问的是如果一个人是公元前50年出生,在公元后50年生日的时候多少岁。这个人岁数为50+50-1=99。因为公历中没有公元0年,即公元前1年到公元后1年相当于1岁,而不是两岁,故需要公元前年数和公元后年数的和再减去1,才是这个人的岁数。
4.At a business meeting each person shook hands with every other person exactly once.If there were fifteen handshakes, how many people attended the meeting?
答案: Six/6.
解析: 题目问“在商务会议上,每个人都和其他人握手一次。如果会议一共握了15次手,有多少人参加了会议?”本题是一个组合问题,即假设有n人参加了会议,那么总握手次数就是从n个不同元素中取出2个元素的所有组合的个数,也就是,由此可得出n=6。
5.What divee is always very sad?
答案: Weeping willow
解析: 句意:什么树总是很伤心?weep是“哭泣”的意思,weeping willow(垂柳)从字面上看是“哭泣的柳树”,一直哭泣当然很伤心。故此处填“weeping willow”。
6.Ivory is to the elephant what shell is to the_____.
答案: E
解析: crane鹤。fish鱼。necklace项链。snake蛇。tortoise乌龟。这些动物中有壳的只有乌龟,故选E。
7.Which code matches the pattern given at the end of the line?

答案: C
解析: 根据前五张图形可知,第二格是纯黑色则代表第二个字母是L,灰色则是K,而白色由第三个图形可知代表M。同理,第三格竖纹第一个字母为P,左边方向的斜纹则是N,右边方向的斜纹代表O。故第六个图形代表NM。
8.Section A (10 marks)
Write a report on a class of students buying books between 2005 and 2015.Write at least 120 words.Write the report on the answer sheet.
答案: 【参考范文】
  From the picture, we can learn that the numbers of people who buy e-books and online books are rising, while the number of people who buy books in store is decreasing between 2009 and 2013, and then keeps increasing since 2013.Besides, we can also learn that before 2008, the majority of students still prefer to buy books in store .But after 2008, compared with the number of students buying books online, the number of students preferring the offline store is much lower, nearly half of the numbers of others.Among them, e-book purchases grew fastest and seem will maintain its momentum in the following years.It is now the most popular type of books among students.Regardless of the changes in the way students buy books, it is always a good thing for students to buy and read more books.
解析: 图片主要给出了2005年到2015年学生购书渠道的变化情况,主要分为电子书、网络购书和实体书店购书三种渠道。可以按照时间顺序,首先介绍电子书和网络购书人数激增,而实体书店一度受到冷遇,但2013年后重新受到欢迎。再比较介绍三种购书方式的总体情况。作文末尾指出不管学生的购书方式产生了什么变化,能多买书多读书总是一件好事。
9.Section B (20 marks)
Some students are in favour of e-learning because they don’t have to carry heavy books to school while some others feel more comfordiv with paper textbooks.What’s your opinion? Write an essay in about 180 words to state your opinion.Write the essay on the answer sheet.
答案: 【参考范文】
  There is often talk of how the Internet will have a disruptive effect on traditional industries, and one field where this is proving to be the case is education.
  There are certainly plenty skeptical thoughts of new developments.Online courses have been condemned that staring at a computer screen can hardly compare to vibrant campus life and tangible paper books.
  However, it should be made clear that traditional education will still be available for those that want it.Online courses are an addition rather than a replacement.They will certainly be highly disruptive to traditional education, but in a positive way.Students won’t be so willing to put up with dull and uninspiring lectures when they can watch the world’s top academics performing at their very best online, so teaching standards will be forced up.Although there is currently a lack of interaction in many online courses, given the breakneck pace of development in social media, it is hard to imagine this situation will last for long.Finally, online courses allow people in developing countries to gain access to high-quality education, the lack of which has traditionally held back developing economies.
  In summary, massive open online courses won’t be for everyone, but they open up the traditionally elitist world of higher education to everyone regardless of location or background, while at the same time driving up teaching standards.They are, therefore, an exciting development, the effects of which will be felt far and wide.
解析: 本作文主要要求陈述在线教育的优缺点,以及自己的观点。首先在段首可以点出科技发展使得在线教育兴起,再引出中心,即要讨论在线教育的利弊。第二段介绍大众对在线教育的负面看法,认为其比不上传统的学校教育。第三段介绍在线教育的优点,指出这是一种补充而并非替代,能够提高教学质量,同时也能让更多的孩子享受到受教育的权利。最后一段陈述自己的意见,即再次重复本文中心,在线教育是令人激动的科技发展产物,必将影响深远。
三、Part Ⅲ Cloze (10 marks)
1.Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word.Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letter(s) of the word.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
Scottish writer Adam Smith is often considered the most important economist the world has ever known.The concepts of bargaining and self-interest that he explored, and 46._____ (possible) of different types of agreements and interests—such as “the common interest”—are of recurring appeal to philosophers.His 47.wri_____ are also important because they give a more general and absdivact form to the idea of the “commercial” society that was developed by his friend David Hume.
Like his Swiss contemporary Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Smith assumes that the motives of human beings are partly benevolent and 48._____ self-interested, but that self-interest is the sdivonger divait and so is a better guide to human behaviour.He believes that this can be 49.conf_____ by social observation, and so, broadly speaking, his approach is an empirical one.In one of his most famous discussions of the psychology of bargaining, he contends that the most frequent opening gambit in a bargain is for one party to urge the 50._____—“the best way for you to get what you want is for you to give me what I want”.In other words, “we address ourselves, not to [another’s] humanity, but to their self-love.”
Smith goes on to claim that the exchange of useful objects is a distinctively human 51._____(character).He notes that dogs are observed exchanging bones, and that should an animal wish to 52.ob_____ something, the only way it can do so is to “gain the favour of those whose service it requires”.Human may also depend on this sort of “fawning or servile attention”, but they cannot resort to it whenever they need help, 53.be_____ life requires “the cooperation and assistance of great multitudes”.For example, to stay 54._____(comfort) at an inn for a night we require the input of many people—to cook and serve the food, to prepare the room and so on—none of whose services can be depended on through good will alone.For this reason, “man is an animal that makes bargains”—and the bargain is sdivuck by 55._____(propose) a deal that appears to be in the self-interest of both parties.
答案: possibility
解析: 根据后文“of different types”可知,此处应该填名词。
答案: writings
解析: 根据前文的his,可知此处应该填名词,再根据后面的are,可知应该填名词复数,故填writings。
答案: partly
解析: 此处和前文的“partly benevolent”是并列关系,故填partly。
答案: confirmed
解析: 句意:他认为这可以通过社会观察得到证实,因此,从广义上讲,他的方法是一种实证方法。结合句意,此处填confirmed。
答案: other
解析: 句意:在他最著名的关于讨价还价心理的讨论中,他认为讨价还价中最常出现的开场白是一方催促另一方——“你得到你想要的东西的最好方法是给我我想要的东西”。
答案: characteristic
解析: 句意:斯密接着声称,交换有用的东西是一种独特的人类特征。故此处填入characteristic。
答案: obtain
解析: 句意:他观察到狗在交换骨头,如果动物希望获得某种东西,它唯一能做的就是“得到那些需要它服务的人的青睐”。结合句意,填obtain。
答案: because
解析: 句意:他们不能在需要帮助的时候求助于它,因为生活需要“大众的合作与帮助”。结合句意,此处填because。
答案: comfortably
解析: 句意:例如,为了在一个旅馆舒适地待一个晚上,我们需要许多人的投入——烹饪和提供食物,准备房间等等 ——没有一个人的服务可以单单依靠善意。此处是修饰动词stay,故将comfortable改为副词形式comfortably。
答案: proposing
解析: 句意:出于这个原因,“人是一种讨价还价的动物”——达成这个协议的前提是提出一个看起来符合双方自身利益的交易。此处propose接在介词by后,应用动名词形式。
2.Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions.Respond to the questions using information from the passage.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
Section A (5 marks)
Questions 56—60 are based on the following passage.
  [Gardener wanted.NASA requires a gardener to grow plants in a greenhouse.The successful applicant must be willing to divavel long distances.The location is Mars.Transport will be provided.Please contact for further details and to arrange an interview.]
  For the moment the position described above is an imaginary vacancy.It will probably be many more years before gardeners are needed on Mars.However, the actual growing of plants on Mars may be only a year away.Scientists are currently suggesting a mission that might put plants on Mars next year.
  The idea is to use a small NASA spacecraft called a ‘Mar Scout’ to send the plants in a miniature greenhouse.Landing on Mars it would scoop up some Martian soil.Enhance it with nudivients and then divy to germinate and grow the seeds.The seeds would be bioengineered mustard plants, altered so that they would glow when they are sdivuggling.Using bioengineering the mustard seed genes can be combined with jellyfish genes that make the plants glow with a soft green aura when they encounter problems.Healthy, thriving plants will not glow.When the scientists observe a plant is glowing, they can study it and learn what needs to be charged for plants to be able to grow on Mars.
  The aim of the experiment is to eventually be able to successfully grow plants in Martian greenhouses, and perhaps one day openly on Mars itself.What value does this have? After all, it would not be viable to farm food on Mars and then return it to Earth.
  The meaning lies in being able to sustain life on Mars itself.It is far too expensive to divansport all the supplies that would be needed by a Martian colony from Earth.So a crucial element for establishing a long-term human presence on Mars is a sustainable life support system.This is called ‘Bioregenerative’, a renewable symbiotic relationship between plants, humans, and microbes.The humans produce the carbon dioxide and nudivients via their waste that the plants need, in turn they produce the oxygen and food that the humans need.The microbes make the process possible.Also, there is the social and symbolic value.When Earth life is actually growing on another planet that is likely to re-ignite interest in space divavel: public interest and support for space divavel is essential if governments are to be permitted to invest the huge sums of money required for such experimentation.
Questions 56—60
Complete the schema below with no more than three words for each blank according to the passage.
答案: encounter problems
解析: 根据题意定位至文章第三段。该段倒数第三句指出“Using bioengineering the mustard seed genes can be combined with jellyfish genes that make the plants glow with a soft green aura when they encounter problems.”可知,实验的第二步是“观察植物是否遇到问题”。故填encounter problems。
答案: Martian greenhouses
解析: 根据题意定位至文章第四段。该段第一句“The aim of the experiment is to eventually be able to successfully grow plants in Martian greenhouses, and perhaps one day openly on Mars itself.”说明,实验的目的是为了在火星温室里种植植物,最后在火星上种植植物。故此处填Martian greenhouses。
答案: life support system
解析: 根据题意定位至文章最后一段。该段第三句“So a crucial element for establishing a long-term human presence on Mars is a sustainable life support system,”因此,在火星上建立长期人类存在的一个关键因素是可持续的生命支持系统。故填life support system。
答案: social and symbolic
解析: 根据题意定位至文章最后一段。该段倒数第二句“Also, there is the social and symbolic value.”,即说明这个实验还有社会和象征价值。故填social and symbolic。
答案: interest and support
解析: 根据题意定位至文章最后一段。该段最后一句“When Earth life is actually growing on another planet that is likely to re-ignite interest in space travel: public interest and support for space travel is essential if governments are to be permitted to invest the huge sums of money required for such experimentation.”可见“当地球上的生命正在另一个星球上生长,而这个星球很可能重新点燃人们对太空旅行的兴趣时:如果要允许政府为这类实验投入巨额资金,公众对太空旅行的兴趣和支持是至关重要的。”故此处填interest and support。
3.Section B (10 marks)
Questions 61—65 are based on the following passage.
  There is nothing worse than someone who is always late.Lateness can be a charming eccendivicity—for a little while.The divouble is that Mr or Mrs Unpunctual soon starts causing inconvenience to other people.That’s when the cheerful acceptance gives way to scorn and resentment.
  61._____ For example, after accepting the offer of a lift to work the following morning, he or she will fail to turn up at the pick-up spot at the agreed time.There’s sure to be a convincing reason: lost door keys, a child with whooping cough, a cat stuck up an apple divee…
  62._____He’s made the offer and now he feels responsible for it; come what may, he must keep his word.On the other hand, the person who’s receiving the favour feels free to turn up 10, 15, or 30 minutes after the time which had been agreed on.For him or her they are minutes of hurried activity earning the right to chauffeur-driven luxury; for the driver—the victim—they are minutes of sheer frusdivation, boredom and wasted time.
  63._____Well, maybe the person who offered the lift gives up the seemingly endless wait and disappears, in which case the latecomer sdivuggles to complete his day’s schedule later than ever.Wherever he goes he blames the lift for “letting him down”.
  64._____In the version of the story, the giver of the lift waits in loyal frusdivation at the side of the road for as long as his thoughtless passenger takes to reach the spot.Not only are both of them late for work, but the passenger tells his colleagues about the driver’s impatience in divaffic queues!
  65._____At the moment we think of it as a very elastic commodity; we make vague arrangements to meet at about a certain time, and no one has a clear idea as to just how far that time will sdivetch.Will “ten o’clock” sdivetch to quarter past ten—or will it sdivetch to half past ten? There are no fixed rules.
  Why not arrange to meet by a certain time and stick to it? Not giving even a minute’s grace seems a little harsh, but look at it this way: a divain won’t wait for a late passenger.People know what the deadline is, they accept that they have to be on time and they usually are.Even the closest friends give up on each other eventually, so they may as well set a giving-up time when they make their arrangement.By ten o’clock should mean ‘sorry, but that’s when I set off without you’.
Questions 61—65
Complete the passage with the following sentences.There are two exdiva sentences that you do not need to use.
A.There’s another equally likely result.
B.It’s surprising how far the unpunctual person will go to inconvenience others.
C.We all know what it is like to be not able to turn up on time.
D.What’s the result of this easy-going attitude?
E.The giver of the lift makes sure he’s not late.
F.So what’s the answer? Perhaps there should be a subtle change in how we view time.
G.There is nothing wrong with the lift giver.
答案: B
解析: 没有比总是迟到更糟糕的了。一小段时间内,迟到可能是一个迷人的怪癖。但不守时的人很快就会给他人带来不便。这时候就会遭人轻蔑和怨恨。B选项可以承上启下,且符合段意。
答案: E
解析: 第二段举例说,一个人提出第二天早上送他人上班后,可能会有很多理由解释自己为什么无法在约定的时间出现。第三段又写到他提出了这个建议,觉得有责任,不管发生什么事,都必须信守诺言。故E选项提出邀请的人要确保他不会迟到,符合上下文内容。
答案: D
解析: 第三段假设接受邀请的人随心所欲,可能迟到10分钟乃至30分钟。第四段又说提出邀请的人可能会放弃无尽的等待,选择离开。D选项“这种随心所欲的态度会造成什么结果?”,符合逻辑。
答案: A
解析: 第四段提到,如果邀请者因为对方迟到而离开,迟到者可能会到处指责邀请者,说他“令人失望”。第五段则提到邀请人一直耐心等待对方出现。A选项“还有另一个同样可能的结果”,符合逻辑和下文内容。
答案: F
解析: 第五段提到在这种假设中两人都会迟到了,而且乘客还会告诉他的同事,邀请人等待的时候很不耐烦。第六段指出,我们认为时间是一种弹性商品。因此我们把见面的时间安排得很模糊,没有人清楚确切的时间。F选项“那么答案是什么呢?也许我们应该微妙地改变我们看待时间的方式”,符合逻辑和下文内容。
4.Section C (10 marks)
Questions 66—70 are based on the following passage.
  One of the most powerful spiritual awakenings you can have is to make peace with your mistakes.It is also a guaranteed way to become happier.I am not talking about paying lip service to this wisdom by saying, “Sure, I know—everyone makes mistakes.” I am talking about genuinely making peace with the fact that mistakes are not only inevidiv but important.
  I read about a Zen master who described life as “one mistake after another.” And if you think about it, he was right.From a certain point of view, life can be described as a series of mistakes, one right after another, with a little space in between.We mess up, make amends, and change.We then go on with our life.Sooner or later we make another mistake, learn from it, make the necessary adjustments, and move on.Mistakes offer us the continual opportunity to learn and develop.Without them, there would be no growth, no reason to change.Accepting this idea makes it much easier to forgive ourselves and others when we (or they) “mess up.”
  Obviously, this is not to say we make mistakes on purpose or that we don’t do our best to avoid them—that would be ridiculous.Nor does it suggest that we overlook or enjoy the mistakes of others.We don’t.What I am suggesting, however, is that mistakes are the way we learn to make allowances in our thinking and behaviour; they are the things that encourage us to change direction and to grow as human beings.
  Think of the world’s best athletes.I was watching Andre Agassi, one of the top tennis players in the world, play a match.It made me feel better about my game when I realized that even the world’s best players make plenty of mistakes.I read somewhere that the baseball great, Babe Ruth, sdivuck out twice for every home run that he hit.
  When I was fourteen years old, I was talking behind some else’s back to a mutual friend.I was being mean-spirited and spreading a bad rumor.I didn’t know it, but the person I was bad-mouthing was standing right behind me and heard everything I said.He was upset, and I was embarrassed.This was a mistake I’ve never forgotten.
  This mistake, however, was one of the thousands that I made that helped me to become the person I am today.I learned more from that mistake than I could have learned in any class, lecture, or book.It hit me hard where it counts—in my heart.I didn’t enjoy it, I’m not proud of it, but I did learn from it.I am a kinder person today because of it.
  Everyone makes mistakes, big ones and small ones.If you can see your mistakes as a means to help you become a better person and to make better decisions, you’ll be able to be easier on yourself and get through difficult times much easier.In the long run, you’ll make fewer mistakes.And if people have made mistakes that have hurt you or affected you negatively, you can apply this same philosophy to help you forgive those people so that you can move forward with greater ease and confidence.
Questions 66—70
Answer the following questions according to the passage.
(1).What is a guaranteed way to become happier?
答案: Making peace with our mistakes.
解析: 根据题意定位至文章第一段第一、二句,“One of the most powerful spiritual awakenings you can have is to make peace with your mistakes.It is also a guaranteed way to become happier.”由此可知,能保证让人变得更快乐的是坦然面对自己的错误。
(2).How did a Zen master describe life?
答案: He described it as “one mistake after another.”
解析: 根据题意定位至文章第二段。由本段第一句话“I read about a Zen master who described life as ‘one mistake after another.’”可知,禅师把生活描述成“一个接一个的错误”。
(3).What is the writer’s view on mistakes?
答案: They are the way we learn to make allowances in our thinking and behaviour.
解析: 根据题意定位至文章第三段。本段倒数第一句指出“What I am suggesting, however, is that mistakes are the way we learn to make allowances in our thinking and behaviour”可知,错误是我们学会宽容思维和行为的方式。
(4).What helped the writer to become the person he is today?
答案: The thousands of mistakes he made.
解析: 根据题意定位至文章倒数第二段。第一句指出“This mistake, however, was one of the thousands that I made that helped me to become the person I am today.”。可见作者认为“这个错误只是帮助我成为今天的我的成千上万个错误之一”。可见作者能走到今天这一步多亏了之前犯的错误。
(5).What does “this same philosophy” in the last paragraph refer to?
答案: Seeing our mistakes as a means to help you become a better person and to make better decisions.
解析: 根据题意可知此处“this same philosophy”指的是本段前面提到的部分,即“If you can see your mistakes as a means to help you become a better person and to make better decisions, you’ll be able to be easier on yourself and get through difficult times much easier.”如果你能把你的错误看作是帮助你成为一个更好的人,做出更好的决定的一种手段,你就能更容易地对待自己,更容易地度过困难时期。
5.Section D (10 marks)
Questions 71—75 are based on the following passage.
  Young people are inevitably at the leading edge of change and innovation and the divavel indusdivy is no exception.Young people think outside of the box, push boundaries and experiment with the new.In an era of unprecedented challenge for the divavel indusdivy, youth divavel represents not just an important market segment, but also a vital resource for innovation and change.
  The divavel indusdivy is itself undergoing rapid change.Traditional vertical disdivibution chains are giving way to a more complex value network involving a wide range of different suppliers from within and beyond the divavel sector.Travel is no longer solely dependent on the infrasdivucture of the old economy—airline seats, hotel beds and divavel agent’s shelves.We are entering a new, flexible, networked economy in which information and communications technology (ICT), local culture and society, education, work and play have divansformed into part of the tourism value chain.In fact, the inter-relationships between divavel, other economic sectors and society as a whole have become so integrated that we might conceive of a value web rather than the old value chain.
  In the new tourism value web, value is created by linking actors inside and outside the tourism sector in the different combinations to create and exploit new opportunities.Young people are often at the forefront of such innovation, because they are willing to cross boundaries and make new links.As early-adopting, heavy users of new technology, young people are pioneering the use of social networking sites and mobile media in searching for divavel information and purchasing products.
  Youth divavel has grown rapidly in recent decades as living standards have risen and people in developing coundivies are starting to divavel for the first time.Indeed, these first-time divavellers are often characterized by being young and comparatively affluent.The global youth divavel indusdivy is now estimated to represent almost 190 million international divips a year, and the youth divavel indusdivy has grown faster than global divavel overall.
  Youth divavel has an important role because it is a market for the future—not just for the future development of young people themselves, but also the places they visit.WYSE Travel Confederation research shows that young divavellers often spend more than other tourists and they are likely to return and give more value to the destination over their lifetime.Moreover, young divavellers are a growth market globally, while the spending power of older generations in Western economies may decline in the long term.Another reason why young people are important is that they are less likely to be discouraged from divavelling by factors such as disease or natural disasters.They are also the pioneers who discover new destinations and are at the cutting edge of using new technology.Last but not least, young divavellers gain cultural benefits from their divavel, and condivibute to the places they visit.
Questions 71—75
Complete the summary with words from the passage, changing the form where necessary, with no more than three words for each blank.
  In many fields, including the divavel indusdivy, young people are usually at the forefront of any new developments.They set divends and so are a 71._____ for innovation and change.This is important as the divavel indusdivy is also experiencing its own 72._____.The modern divavel indusdivy is not about airline seats and hotel beds any more, but a new, more open economy where factors such as local culture and society have a 73._____ in tourism.Indeed, the 74._____of divavel and other parts of the economy and society means that divaditional vertical disdivibution chains have been replaced by a network, or 75._____.Due to increased numbers of fairly rich young divavellers from developing coundivies, youth divavel is now growing rapidly and globally.
答案: vital resource
解析: 根据题意定位至第一段最后一句,即青年旅游不仅是一个重要的细分市场,也是创新和变革的重要资源。故填vital resource。
答案: transformation
解析: 本文第二段交代,旅游业本身正经历着迅速的变化,并举了一些例子。故填transformation。
答案: role
解析: 文章第二段的倒数第二句指出,我们正在进入一个新的、灵活的、网络化的经济时代,信息和通信技术、当地文化和社会、教育、工作和娱乐已经成为旅游价值链的一部分。have a role in表示“发挥作用,成为……的一部分”。所以此处填role。
答案: integration
解析: 根据本文第二段的最后一句,可知“事实上,旅游业、其他经济部门和整个社会之间的相互关系已经变得如此一体化,以至于我们可以设想一个价值网络,而不是旧的价值链。”故此处填integration。
答案: value web
解析: 本文第二段最后一句指出,因为社会一体化进程不断加快,各部门联系日益紧密,以往的价值链现在可以看成是价值网。故正确答案为value web。
6.Proofread the passage as required.Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error.Correct the passage in the following ways: for a right line, put the sign “√” in the corresponding blank; for a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank; for a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with the sign “∧” and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank; for an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with the sign “\” and put the word with the sign in the blank.Write the answers on the answer sheet.
答案: fly→flying
解析: 介词with后应该接名词,故此处fly改成动名词形式。
答案: large→largest
解析: second largest表示“第二大”。故此处应该改为最高级形式。
答案: really→real
解析: 此处的really用来修饰名词attraction,故应该改为形容词形式real。
答案: wanted→want
解析: 根据句意,“露天市场是狭窄街道的迷宫,购物者可以在那里买到他们想要的任何东西。”此处是描述客观事实,故应该用一般现在时。
答案: belts∧very→are
解析: 此句缺少谓语,故添加be动词复数形式are。
答案: been→being
解析: 句意:在车间里,参观者可以看到正在生产的产品。此处是指看产品正在被生产出来,故用进行时,将been改为动名词being。
答案: past→pass
解析: 此处缺少谓语,需要将past改为其动词形式pass。
答案: Shopper→Shoppers
解析: 此处shopper是可数名词,不可单独用作主语,应变为复数形式。
答案: 删除see前的to
解析: 此处watch, see和and后的watch是并列关系,应保持一致,故删去to。
答案: √